Monday, May 8, 2006

She's Home, She's Home!!!

Cari and Sam got back yesterday afternoon.  Their flight was on time and they got thru customs pretty fast.  I think we waited 40 minutes to see their happy faces round the corner and come up the ramp.  I grabbed my daughter and held her tight and, of course, we both cried which made her dad cry and made Sam say, "Oh, you guys always cry!"

On the way home in the car, they both talked non-stop about their adventures.  It was delightful to hear a lot of the stories, most of them hilarious.  One of my favorites was Cari telling about one of her roommates wearing 7 bras, 3 t-shirts, 2 pairs of pants, a sweatshirt and a jacket to the airport so her baggage wouldn't be over the weight limit.  Oh, teenagers!!!  I guess there were a lot of charges for over weight luggage at the airport.  One girl had to pay nearly $200 extra. She was a real shopper.  Cari was 1 pound under.  She left shampoo, hair spray, body wash, and an old pair of shoes in the trash to make weight.

Last night while she was upstairs sorting thru her things, Dennis and I were talking about how good it was to have her home.  He admitted it was the first time in 2 1/2 months, "I'm able to really relax."  I thought for a second and realized I had the same sense of relief.  I didn't know I had a little bit of tension and worry tucked in the back of my mind the whole time, too. 

Needless to say, this mom slept like a rock last night.  I'm up early to get to the market so I can buy some of her favorite things so when she gets up, probably around noon, she can have a bagel with cream cheese or a cinnamon waffle.  I had none of these things in the house while she was gone!  Her requests from the store:  Cool Ranch Doritos, Cheddar Cheese, Refried Beans, Flour Tortillas (I'm dying for a bean and cheese burrito!), and Pepsi.  So I'm off to do my motherly duty.  LOL  I'll post some pictures soon.

Happy Monday.


Anonymous said...

ah so nice to have kids home nad so neat to hear thier rambling. dont think you ll miss it till its gone

Anonymous said...

How exciting, its great she's home.. lol at dumping her wash stuff to make weight brilliant idea ,looking forward to pictures ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that she is home.  Yes, you always worry about them when they are away, they remain your babies for your whole life and there is always a little niggle at the back of your mind.  Hope you enjoy all your food and lots and lots of stories and photos.

Anonymous said...

I`m so pleased the flight went well and your dauighter`s back home with you.  I had to laugh at the excess baggage because my daughter used to work abroad and often had to leave loads of good clothes behind just to make the weight.  I don`t think she ever though to wear extra! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear Cari got home safely. I'm always over weight by about twenty pounds on my luggage, never been charged yet!! I'm so happy to know they had a great time. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Your relief and joy and pride and love are so evident in your words.  I hope Cari knows what a wonderful mom she has.  We're looking forward to the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Oh Kathy, Kathy, this entry warmed my heart!! I'm so happy for you and know exactly how you must feel having your baby girl back home, what  wonderful, joyus feelings must be in your home and heart right now. Enjoy each other, and give her an extra hug from me just because I miss Mandy :) I cannot wait to see photos.

Pooh Hugs,