Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lovin' Life

I'm using green this morning because Spring has sprung around here.  The Mockingbirds are nesting and they are chattering night and day.  The males have an unending array of calls that are very complex and interesting - during the day!  At 1:00 in the morning, that's another thing.  Luckily, we had new dual pane windows installed and when we close them at night, we are no longer forced to bury our heads under the pillows and leave a radio playing soft music all night to drown out their churping.  

They are beautiful birds with long tails that shoot up at an angle.  They are very territorial and will chase other birds out of the yard just for searching the planters for seeds and bugs.  If they have a nest nearby, they will dive at us and at Kasey then perch in a tree and scream at us in an attempt to show us who is boss of the area.  I've seen them chase larger birds, like crows, in the air diving, pecking, and nipping at them to protect their nests.  I guess tenacious is the perfect adjective to describe them.  We used to have a mating pair nest in a Liquid Amber tree in our back yard but since Kasey has lived with us, they haven't bothered to build here anymore.  She isn't one to be swayed to stay away so they moved to another tree where their babies are sure to be safe.  I'm not sure if Mockingbirds are native to all of the U.S. and England.  They are plentiful here in Southern California.

I took Miss Kasey for a walk after the groomer today.  I don't know what I was thinking.  She was so pretty and sparkling white when I brought her home.  After her romp, she had brown feet and twigs in her coat.  LOL  She loves one particular place on the walk the very most.  It's a strip of grass where wild life like rabbits, coyotes, squirrels, gophers, and other neighborhood dogs and cats cross all the time.  It is SNIFF HEAVEN for my little hunter.  Her nose is on the ground the entire time.  Sniff, sniff, sniff....  She is going as fast as she can, her nose dragging as close to the ground as she can get it smelling all of those delightful animal scents.  She will find a gopher hole and then track the underground tunnel on top of the ground to the next hole.  It amazes me that she can follow it.  I think she could smell a cat turd 30 feet out and 6 feet deep.  LOL 

I'm going to post this now, write some bills, and pick up around here.  I want to do a few loads of laundry (want to isn't really the word I was looking for but it's nicer than the one I was thinking of...LOL)...  Y'all have a glorious Wednesday.

Oh, P.S.  Dennis was very sweet about my purchases yesterday. I really thought he would be.  He teased me saying I'm becoming 'high maintenance' but he likes the new me.

Oh, gosh, one more thing.  Sir Paul and Heather Mills are divorcing after 4 years of marriage.  Sigh....he needs a woman closer to his own age.  If I were single and not with the love of my life I'd fly over and interview for the opportunity.  <wink, wink>.


Anonymous said...

We don't get mocking birds here in England. I laughed at Kasey with a newly groomed coat full of twigs etc!! I'm glad Dennis was OK with your new purchases. It's such a shame about Paul and Heather McCartney, show business marriages rarely seem to last long after they've declared their undying love for one another, look at Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Isaid Den wouldnt mind especially as you are looking good ,high maintainance dont tell him it gets worse with age lol look at me lol .I'm joking ..I think !....Paul and Heather  I think it must be difficult liveing in the limelight  ...Jan xx

Anonymous said...

oh wish I could see your yard. and hear your birds. YOU Know IM sooooooooo missing spring here with all the rain and clouds and cold tmeps that are way way below our normals

Anonymous said...

Yep, dogs can smell the nasty stuff a mile away and they go right to it!! LOL!
I was sad about Paul too, but I so agree....she was too young. Plus.....he never got over his broken heart for Linda, they were so much in love. Give hubby a Pooh Hug for being so sweet to ya :)

Pooh Hugs,