Wednesday, May 10, 2006


After thinking about it last night and reading some comments this morning, I am so grateful that my children have a dad who talks to them, listens to them, validates them, and tells them he loves them all the time.  He's blessed.  They are blessed.  I'm blessed. Their children will be blessed and so on, and so on, and so on................  More later today....



Anonymous said...

I could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

You are so right...Jae

Anonymous said...

As a family I would say you are all blessed ,even more so because you are aware of it ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

yes tis true and we have to look athese happy times and really take time to enjoy them

Anonymous said...

It's good to talk, kids only learn from their parents, luckily we sometimes learn from their mistakes too. Jeanette xx

Anonymous said...

Very moving Kathy.....and so true for all of us.

Pooh Hugs,