Thursday, November 30, 2006

High Winds - Cold Temperatures

We had very high winds yesterday and it looks like they are back this morning.  I had a doctor's appointment in Upland which is in the foothills about 30 miles northwest of Riverside.  I gave myself 75 minutes to get there (it usually takes 30) because I never know what the traffic is going to be like.  When I left home, it was breezy but not windy.  As soon as I headed north on Interstate 15, my gosh, the wind was howling!  My Chevy Tahoe was nearly blown from one lane to the next so I had to slow way down to maintain control.  I read in the paper this morning that there were gusts to 60 mph and it does not surprise me at all.

As I headed north, the traffic jammed up and just crawled at a snails pace.  Between the 60 interchange and the 10 (where I needed to make a change) there was a dust cloud that made visibility very poor.  There is a lot of construction going on in that area so the dirt gets kicked up.  I checked my watch and knew I would never get to my 12:15 appointment on time so I called from my cell phone (what DID we ever do without them?) and explained my situation.  They said Dr. was running late already and asked me to reschedule for Monday. NUTS!  So I got to sit in all that mess for an hour and 30 minutes for nothing.  Pooh. 

I exited the freeway and pulled into a gas station.  I thought I may as well get something to drink and go to the bathroom.  Who knows how long it was going to take me to get home.  LOL  The traffic going South was nearly as bad.  I had to force the car door open because the wind was blowing it closed.  I started pumping the gas and then went into the little mini-market to buy a diet Dr. Pepper.  As I walked, the wind nearly picked me up off my feet and carried me into the store.  LOL.  It was wild!

The good news is, I got home safe and sound.  The biggest obsticles were a few huge tumbleweeds hurling across traffic lanes.  Some were as big as VW bugs.  I kid you not! 

Last night, I wrote a long entry about Christmas Traditions and was about 3/4 of the way through when our power sputtered and flickered just long enough for me to lose it.  Darn-darn-double darn.  I will have to get inspired again to tackle that entry. 

This morning I am heading out early.  Have to get a Latte at Sips and say a cheery good morning to my daughter, Cari who was up and out the door by 6:15 this morning.  I then have to hit WalMart for some teeny lights for my teeny little Christmas tree that I'm going to set on the buffet in the dining room.  I also have to get to Staples for printer ink.  When I get back, its up in my sewing room to work on a Christmas gift for my sister.  I'm making her a vest.  I'm actually piecing the fabric together from quilt squares and then I will cut out the pattern and sew it together.  It's a lot of work but I think it's going to be really cute when it's done.  I'll share pictures when it's complete. 

That is it for now!



Anonymous said...

I hate strong winds, glad you stayed safe. Shame about the loss of power. I can imagine what you said lol

Anonymous said...

Hey isnt a vest what we call a waist coat ,guess what ?  he he he Jan xx

Anonymous said...

sorry that you journey was wasted in the end, but glad that you got back safe, looking forwrd to seeing the vest/waistcoat
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

It was supposed to be windy down this way too.. (you know I am in Riverside County, too), but it didn't blow that much at this end.  It was cold though.  I love the cold weather!!  It's only 55 degrees right now!  YES! lol

Can't wait to see your finished product.  On both the sewing of the vest and you Christmas traditios entry!  :)

Have a good day, Kathy!


Anonymous said...

I can only imagine tumbleweeds as big as a VW Bug!  

Sorry to hear about the entry being lost when the power shuttered. Hopefully it all comes back to you (maybe even better than the original)

Have a great day


Anonymous said...

Too bad avout your entry that disappeared...I hate that!  Glad you made it home safe...Jae