Friday, November 3, 2006

Re: Bryan's Special Needs LOL

When I re-read my entry and I saw I had written 'special needs' I thought I should explain.  He is very bright and never fit into the regular school system way of doing things.  Had I known what his learning 'style' was back then, I would have made difference choices for his education.  He just didn't fit into the system's mold especially in high school.  He was smarter than most of his teachers and he really needed to be in a more challenging environment.  Well, live and learn...  He survived and he's thriving in the world doing things his way.   I just love that about him...


Anonymous said...

Nice that he is so bright.  Good for him.

Anonymous said...

I never fitted into school, lessons always bored me! It wasn't until 1987 I took a Mensa test and found my IQ was 154 and I passed the test and joined Mensa! I don't know why I took the test but it did give my confidence a boost! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Some kids just don't fit into the regular school system.  Sounds like your son was super bright!
