Tuesday, November 7, 2006

I Voted

I did my Patriotic Duty today and voted.  I don't think I've missed a major election since I was old enough to vote.  There have been local school board elections where I didn't vote because my daughter went to private school and I didn't know anyone running or what the issues were.

My first presidental election was in 1972 when Nixon ran against McGovern.  At that time, it was the biggest upset in voting history.  Senator McGovern was supported by the liberal Get-Out-Of-Vietnam faction.  The Republican party managed to paint him as a radical liberal and he never overcame that label and he went down to a huge defeat.

I'm interested to see how the results come in across the country.  The press has been predicting that the Democrats are going to win control of the Congress because Americans are upset with the Republican administration and the Iraqi war.  I am going to go out on a limb and bet that the Republicans stay in control.  I think the Democrats will add a few new members but they won't get the majority as predicted.  I think the majority of people are afraid of change.  I think most of the incumbants will be re-elected.  I will have to check the paper in the morning to see if my predictions are right.

I'm equally upset with both sides.  I didn't vote for either incumbant running for the senate or congress.  LOL  I didn't care what party they belong to, I voted for the other one.  If I had my way, every one of them would get their walking papers and we'd start with a fresh bunch that has no ties to the lobbiests and special interests that own those that are there now.  Ahh, enough politics.  I bet we're all sick of it tonight.


Anonymous said...

I always vote but mostly to keep someone out rather than get one in! At the end of the day they're all as bad as one another! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I vote each time ,otherwise I dont feel I have a right to an opinion,on the state of things ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

i had a very active poli sci teacher in high school so i learned very young to vote. Glad you did too!  rose