Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Who Let The Dogs Out?

When I took Kasey to the groomer today, a woman brought in a dog that had come into contact with skunk spray.  He had not been sprayed directly but still had that nasty scent on him.  Charlie, the groomer,  gave me the recipe for the best remedy for Dog Stink and I thought I would pass it on.  If your dog ever gets skunked or rolls in something disgusting or dead (ewwweee) this will get the stink out:
1 quart (32) ounces of hydrogen peroxide
1 cup  baking soda
1/4 cup dog shampoo
Mix together in a bowl using a spoon or gloved hands.  Wash dogs while wearing rubber gloves.  The mixture will really dry out your hands.  Leave it on the dog for 20 mintues so it penetrates the coat and down to the skin.
Rinse very well.   Shampoo again using only dog shampoo.  Rinse very well.
Use a good conditioner (he uses Panteen) to add oils to the coat and skin and rinse again.
This should eleminate the nasty odor and you'll have the cleanest dog in your neighborhood.
He said tomato juice does not work. It's a wives tale.
So there you go.  A helpful hint at no charge.      ô..ô


Anonymous said...

Dont have skunks here but a useful tip none the less ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I with Jan there, we don`t have skunks but there other horrible things that dogs find to roll in.  Thanks for the tip, I`ll write it down. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

My dogs used to roll in fox poo, that's one of the most disgusting things on the planet! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great recipe!!!  You know, on a recent episode of the new show "Men in Trees" the girl is bathing in vegetable soup (no tomato juice available)!  So, does it just not work on dogs, or does in not work on anyone/anything?  My sisters dog just rolled in something nasty, and she kept bathing him.  Took forever to get the stench out!  I will share this with her...thanks again!  Jae