Saturday, October 21, 2006


I've attached pictures of my new dining room furniture.  I'm so pleased with it.  The table has another 18" leaf so it can comfortably seat 10 when we are all together.  I have two other chairs on order which should be arriving before Thanksgiving.

We have moved art work around and have decided to change the light fixture over the table.  We will shop for that tomorrow.  We moved the painting over the buffet into the family room and are going to find something else to hang there.  It's just like us to do one thing that leads to 6 or 7 other little projects.  Before you know it we will be changing the living room around, too. 

I've had a great time reading journals that are up for VIVI awards.  A lot of the nominated journals are ones that I read regularly but many more are new to me.  There are some amazing writers out there!  Some interesting view points and funny slants on life.  I'm so impressed with the creativity.  My gosh it's amazing what some of you do with graphics, video, and other media.  I bow down to all of you!  We all have such different personalities, interests, view points, and backgrounds and yet there is so much support and, in general, good will toward each other. Awesome! 

I read an entry in one journal that really made me stop and think about something that is going on in my life right now.  The writer talked about disconnecting from certain people and situations.  The writer went on to discuss their situation which I won't go into  but it triggered a lot of emotion and spunk in me.

I have always allowed my personal boundaries set by other people and situations.  It was hard for me to say 'no' because I didn't want to hurt feelings.  It was hard for me to ask for what I wanted and needed because I didn't want to put anyone out and I was afraid they'd say no anyway.  I put up with one sided friendships because at least I had a friend.  I made it ok to be the one who gave and gave and gave and never got anything back because it made me feel like a good person to be such a 'giver'.  To be honest, I didn't notice for years how one sided things were because I never asked for anything back.  I took the left overs.  I did without so others could have what they needed.  I was such a martyr. I lived in a box about 2' x 2' x 2'. 

Well, the lid's off the box. I'm stepping out of it and I guarantee the lid won't be going back on.  Things are shaking around here and there are a lot of very surprised people wondering who I am and where Kathy went.  I'm asserting myself, without being aggressive and bitchy <I hope>, and making a place for myself that is clearly defined by the boundaries I set up.

An example of this is as simple as this:  When cleaning out all the closets, I found numerous pieces of art work, little knickknacks, and things that I had set out to enjoy had been put away in the dark recesses of the closets by my husband.  He hadn't asked me if he could remove these things.  He had just done it.  He counted on the fact that I wouldn't notice and wouldn't say anything.  To be honest, if I hadn't cleaned out the sewing room, those things may have been up there another 3 years.  BUT, I found them and it ticked me off that he had put them away without even asking me if it was OK.  With my future son-in-law's help, because they were on very high shelves that I couldn't reach, every item was brought down and returned to where I had put it originally.  That evening, I talked to my husband and told him that if he wanted something moved or removed that he could ask me first before just hiding it away.  He has a way of making me feel, sometimes, that this is his space and that I don't have any feedback about what goes into it.  That's not going to happen anymore.  When I explained how this all made me feel, he agreed that in the future, he'd ask before he moved anything. 

When I was out shopping yesterday for a table runner, I realized how hard it was for me to make a decision.  Each item I picked up made me wonder what Dennis would think of it.  I'd decide whether or not to get it based on what I thought he would think rather than what I thought.  Once I realized what was going on, I had a stern talk with myself and I went back thru the tableware dept. and found what I liked and bought it.  I had to give myself the space to make that decision and make it OK.  Isn't that silly?  A little thing like that!  Well, that's my struggle right now.  I'm setting those boundaries and I'm asserting myself and finding my place in the world, in my marriage, in my friendships and on and on....  It's good but it's a challenge.  I have to do this if I'm going to continue to win the battle of keeping this weight off and getting healthy physically and emotionally.  I cannot go back to the old ways of eating or behaving if I expect things to change permanently.



Anonymous said...

Your new furniture is very nice.  Very classy and elegant.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that you have to think of yourself rather than what will please others. I used to be like that but not anymore! I left that all behind when I left my ex! I love your furniture, it looks very solid and elegant! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Well done on taking stock and coming to the dicision to do YOUR  thing more often ,its a bad habit we all fall into I'm afraid ,good for you addressing it ,Your dining room furniture is really lovely ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are doing some hard work in setting boundaries.  
Yes, there are a lot of good journals out there.  I am going to get busy reading them, I have just begun to do it today.  Actually I have read a lot of them to try to choose the nominations wisely, but didn't have time to read them all.  Now I must carefully check them all out, so I can make a responsible selection when it comes time for the VIVI awards.  So many journals, so little time, LOL.
I do enjoy your journal a lot.


Anonymous said...

Your new furniture is beautiful.  Sometimes even with husbands I think we need to be a little asssertive.  I was brought up back in the 1950's and then 99% of wives did everything their husbands wanted, no questions asked.  I'm glad my dad let my mom control what went inside the home. I remember back in the early 1970's we repainted the living room and got new furniture for it.  It was the age of the colonial look with lots of gold & burnt orange colors. My then husband wanted orange drapes in there.  I almost threw up and tried to explain we had enough orange in the room.  He was furious, telling me he was the bread winner and he should be able to decide what went in the house.  Well, when he was off on the train (he was a railroader) I called the local department store and set up an appointment for the lady to come out with samples & to measure.  Then when they were ready, I set the appoinment for when he was gone again.  So when he got home,  there they were beautiful new neutral colored drapes.  He later admitted he liked them but it distresed me to think that I had to resort to those measures to keep us from not being embarrased by orange drapes.   Linda in WA  

Anonymous said...

Your  dining room set is lovely!  You have wonderful taste.  I think, in my humble opinion and many, many years of therapy, we woman are raised to not be assertive.  We sit back kiss the world's rear end, do without, raise the kids, do the housework and keep our men happy all the while looking beautiful with every hair in place.  All the while dying inside because we feel like are about to sufficate at any moment.  Setting up boundaries is a slow, daily thing that is more of a process than an event.  Keep up the good work, it all starts with one "no" and "this is what I think"!  YOu are on your way hon!!  xoxo Rose~

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your nomination so richly deserve it! I always get so much from reading your words, from wisdom to humor........and your love for life is contagious.
The dining room table set is beautiful, you did a GREAT job! Your entry is very thought provoking and also true for me when I was heavier in weight. I really started believing that my opinion wasn't important....but it was more the way I saw myself than the way others saw me, ya know? I'm glad we are different women now.....I think it was there all the while though, it was just hid behind layers of who we'd become.
I will keep Shannon's appointment next week in my prayers, and asking God to watch over her & the new baby. Did it look like you in the sonogram?? LOLOLOL!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how suddenly it all comes together and we wake up and realize that sometimes we have to take care of ourselves and to heck with other people.  I'm still learning that, but I'm getting better.

Great entry, Kathy!
