Saturday, October 28, 2006

Up, Down, and In Between

Up, down and in between.  That describes my week.  Before I get into what has been going on, I want to journal about my morning with the grandkids and Shannon.  What FUN!  We met around 8:45 in front of a Starbuck's.  I had arrived earlier and had our coffees ready to go when Shannon pulled up.  Her White Chocolate Mocha and my Non-Fat, sugar-free vanilla Latte.  Mmmmmm.  Perfect start to a Saturday morning.

The kids looked great!  She had the boys in khaki pants and plaid shirts and Megan in a cute brown t-shirt with sequins around the neckline and brown cropped pants.  Megan had slept with curlers in her hair so she had pretty curls for the pictures.  Andrew had taken a header into a coffee table a few days before and was sporting quite a bump on his forehead.  I hope it doesn't show up too much in the pictures.  We drove to meet Michelle, the photographer, at a nice little park about 40 minutes from where Shannon and I met.

Michelle is great with the kids.  She took Megan and Nathan's two year old pictures and that is why I wanted her to do Andrew's.  I wanted them to have the same look when they all hang together.  She got a lot of good pictures of the little guy but only about 5 with a smile.  He is Mr. Sobersides when he doesn't know someone.  She was able to get some really cute pictures of the three of the kids together and then she took about 5 of Megan and Nathan each alone.  I even had her take a few of me and the kids.  I wore a brown top and khaki pants so we would all coordinate.  I think it's going to come out really nice.

The picture I posted is one I took toward the end of the photo session.  Michelle had given them suckers as a way to improve Andrew's mood.  LOL It worked, too.  He finished the sucker (Shannon took his shirt off so he wouldn't get it all sticky) and then cooperated pretty well for about 10 photos after that sugar hit his system. 

I'll get the proofs in a week.  I want to get the 11 x 14 hand colored photo for Bryan and Shannon for Christmas.  Michelle said she didn't think they would be a problem if I picked it out and got back to her her quick. 

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The fire is still going.   The state has brought in a converted airliner that can dump huge amounts of water at one time to help.  It costs $28,000 an hour to operate the plane.  It's expensive but if it puts this fire out, it's worth it.  I just do not understand why they waited until today to do that.  I think they should have used that plane the first day.  It was sitting at an airport near Los Angeles.  I'll never understand why our government moves so slow to do the right thing.  The smoke isn't over us anymore - at least for now.  It looks like it's moving north instead of west.  Continued prayers are appreciated!

My parents have cancelled their plans to come for the holidays.  I am so disappointed.  I had so many fun things planned.  I do understand why my dad does not want to travel so I didn't pitch a fit.  He will be in the middle of his treatment for his broken leg.  I called my orthopedic doctor and asked if he would see him to determine of the cast could come off after he had had it on for 6 or 7 weeks and his nurse said NO!  It would be considered transfer of care and he does not do that.  Butthead!  It's all about lawsuits and covering his ass, I understand that, but jeez there is no common courtesy or compassion anymore.  That was not the deciding factor.  My dad just does not want to hassle it on crutches.  I totally understand.  But pooh............

I love my new computer.  It's so nice.  No bugs - great virus protection - and I hope to keep it clear of trouble for a long time.  I have to get used to a lot of new things.  I have Microsoft Word instead of Word Perfect.  I think I'm really going to like it but it is going to take some practice and getting used to the differences.  I feel like a fish out of water but I'm sure I'll pick it up quickly.

We went to an elegant wedding last night at an fancy restaurant near the University where Cari goes to school.  It sits high up on a hill overlooking Orange county.  It was a beautiful night and we had a beautiful view.  The bride is the daughter of one of Dennis's contractors.  The ceremony was outside in a gazebo lit with candles and twinkle lights - a perfect night for such a festive occasion.

Going to that wedding made me start thinking about planning Cari and Sam's wedding.  It's going to be a lot of work even if we do half of what Skip and Valerie did for their daughter.  I know it will be worth it!

That's it for now.  I have to go across the street and feed my neighbor's dogs and then I'm going to El Polo Loco and get a salad for dinner.  I'm starving and do not want to cook.  Dennis and Cari ate late lunches and don't want dinner tonight.  (Lucky me!  I don't have to cook!)

More soon.    I can't do my little happy face anymore.  I tried to do it and the buttons I pressed on my old computer to enter it erased my entry on this one.  LOL --  I'll have to find another cute sign off when I have time to experiment.


Anonymous said...

I bet the pictures will be so cute, you'll have a hard time deciding which ones to pick out.  When I changed computers earlier this year, I lost some stuff, too.  Thankfully not my Family Tree Maker information...I hope the rains come soon and the fires go out.  Enough is enough..Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

The picture is adorable.. can't wait to see the actual proofs! :)

I am so glad the fire is more under control, but will feel much better when it's completely out!  I sure do hope they catch that jerk that started it.  Jerk is putting it mildly!

Isn't it funny that people are freezing cold in the East and midwest, and here we are still running around barefoot and swimming in the pool!  The temps here today were  85 or higher.  Ridiculous.  I want some cooler weather!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see some more ppics of the children, they're adorable! I'm glad you're getting used to your new computer. This is the only one I've ever ha or used so I don't know what I'd do if it broke down on me! The government is like ours and just does nothing till the last minute, maybe those poor firefighters wouldn't have died if the powers that be had moved faster to get that plane up in the air. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

i love how you if you are in the middle of a novel.
i bet that wedding was gorgeous....i went to Starbucks once and didnt like what i got...i must be a freak! LOL
love the pic of the kids too.
hugs,lisa jo

Anonymous said...

I dont have to tell you what very good looking Grandchildren you have ,sounded like a lovely day for you all ,pleased you are enjoying your new computer ,Im sure you will soon get used to the differences ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

GREAT picture!  They are so cute...each one of them!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh you know me and grandbabies!  just love 'em!  Sorry about your parents and not being able to visit.  My dad is in 19 hours away in Florida and I am going to do my best to go see him.  Things will work out though.  ~rose~