Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Strange Assortment of Things

   So much is going on around me that my head feels like it's spinning sometimes.  Den's step-dad is dying.  Bernice (his wife) and I are going to make pre-funeral arrangements on Friday morning.  It's surreal and painful.  His 84 year old body is just shutting down and getting ready to quit.  Watching the process has been difficult, painful, and frustrating.  It's happened so fast.  In less than a year he has gone from being able to care for himself, go out to dinner once a week with Bernice, understand what he watched on TV, and communicate his needs to not being able to do anything.  I mean ANYTHING.   He can't even scratch his own nose.  He can't make a decision about a single thing.  He is like a baby -- totally helpless.

    I sit by his bed and pray for him.  I ask God to take him, to end his suffering.  He is in a lot of pain.  He's scared and confused.  I ask God to release him from his old body.  I've had talks with God about his salvation, too.  Dad isn't what we, in our faith, would call 'saved'.  He told Dennis that he 'sorta believed in God but you gotta be careful because you can get carried away with that stuff'.  So, I pray and talk to God telling him that I know he has a plan for Dad's life and if that plan includes salvation that I know He has a way to make that happen and I will just trust Him to take care of it now.  I am going to choose to believe that God will find a way to reach him and that when Dad takes his last breath here he will take his first breath in Heaven in a new body that is free from all the ailments and restrictions of his earthly body.

   My beautiful daughter, Cari, got engaged to be married on Friday, April 7 in Venice, Italy.  Talk about romantic!  In the main plaza by a famous fountain with fellow students, some strangers, and a flock of pigeons watching, Sam got down on one knee, held her ring in one hand and asked if she would marry him.  She said a tearful, joyful "YES" and then they hugged.  Luckily, there were people taking pictures.  See how sweet!


Cari and Sam have been dating for 3 years.  They are going to wait until they graduate from college before getting married which Dennis and I fully support.  They love, honor and cherish each other.  They are each other's best friend and they are equally yoked spiritually which is such a blessing for them and for any children they may be blessed to have.  We already love Sam as a son.  We feel doubly blessed.  We have a wonderful daughter-in-law that we love as a daughter and a future son-in-law that we know will fit right into our family, too.  WOW!   How great is that?

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