Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Let's Get This Party Started

   I've lost 60 pounds.  God that's a lot of weight.  I carried my 25 pound dog upstairs the other day and it struck me that I've lost two and a half of her.  It wasn't easy hauling her upstairs and it made me so grateful that I don't have all that extra fat on my body anymore to move around.  I have been sugar-free since 11/01/05 and it has been such a blessing to my life and my body.  I have been free from most 'white' stuff since that day.  No rice, potatoes, white flour, noodles, etc.  My bloods sugar is near normal.  My blood pressure is normal. Heck, my cholesterol is 129!  I am getting healthy.

   I joined Curves.  I never thought I would say that I enjoy exercise but I do enjoy going and doing my 30 minutes.  My intention each week is to go 3 times.  With all of the family issues involving Den's Dad, my parents, trips to San Luis Obispo, and a few minor injuries I haven't always made my goal but I can say I have done my best.  I have lost 7" around my waist as an example of how the exercise has helped.

  There have been a lot of interesting things happen along with the weight loss.  My confidence has increased.  I take much more pride in my appearance by making sure my hair and make up is done each day.  I love clothes a lot more, oh and shoes!  I really love shoes, too.

   Along the way I have learned to be totally honest with myself about my feelings and when things bother me I talk about it immediately instead of stuffing the feelings/problem.  My confrontiveness (Is that a word? No, it isn't.  It popped up on spell check but it fits.) has created a lot of tension between my husband and me because I just don't let anything go right now.  I can't.  I have to retrain him and my kids.  I've told them I want to get as good as I give.  I've taken seconds, thirds and not-at-all for too long and now they have to ante up.  I'm not going to be treated unfairly anymore.  Since I respect myself a lot more, they respect me a lot more naturally.  I don't even really have to demand it.  It just comes to me which is wonderful.



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