Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hippity Hoppity Easter Is Hopping Away

Today was Easter Sunday.  I miss hiding eggs and filling baskets with Easter goodies.  I miss the smell of chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Reese's peanut butter cup eggs, and hard boiled eggs (NOT!).  Actually, it was nice to have a sugar-free Easter.  There wasn't a jelly bean anywhere in this house and neither Dennis or I missed them.

We met my son's family early in the day and drove into Orange County to my daughter-in-law, Shannon's aunt's home.  Shannon's mom, step-dad, cousin, sister, and uncle joined us and at 1:00 we drove to Knott's Berry Farm for Dinner at Mrs. Knott's Restaurant.  Luckily for us, Shannon's aunt had made reservations because the line was at least 100 people long.  We only had to wait about 5 or 6 minutes for our name to be called.  We had a very nice lunch and then went to see Shannon's maternal grandmother, Gene, at her new assisted living home.  What a lovely place it is.  Beautiful landscaping, a spacious unit for her, very nice dining facility, huge lobby area with seating areas for visitors and a large fireplace with a roaring fire.  She's so much happier.  It was great to see her with a sparkle in her eyes again.

I know I said I would take pictures of Andrew today but I failed my mission.  I am seeing him on Tuesday when I take Megan and Nathan to the movie.  I will take the camera and snap a few of that cutie pie to post here.  He is finally bonding to me.  I'm so happy about that.  His sister and brother bonded much earlier but Andrew.........well, he was such a mama's boy that he didn't let anyone else get close until now.  We can forgive him and his mom for that.  He's a miracle.  Born against all odds.  We are so grateful to have him here.  Healthy, happy, and whole.  It's no wonder his mother held him close a little longer than the first two. 

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