Sunday, January 7, 2007

Sew What

I sewed the borders on the Mother Goose quilt top this weekend.  I bought the kit last February when I was in Wyoming taking care of my parents.  It's been in the sewing room closet just waiting for a special reason to sew it together.  My special reason is about 9 weeks away from being born so I thought I'd better get busy and get this project going.

The Mother Goose and characters comes as a single panel of fabric.  I just added the red, blue and yellow borders.  Now I will make an appointment to take the quilt top and the backing fabric to a lady who will add the batting, sew on the backing and then machine quilt the design onto the quilt.  She does an excellent job and because my quilting talents only go so far, I trust her to do this part.  When I get it back, I will add the final binding which will be the blue stripe fabric.  I will post pictures of the final product...hopefully with my granddaughter (or grandson) sleeping peacefully on it.  I'm still hoping and praying for another granddaughter but if she is a he I will be over the top with joy and love.

My dad is doing much better today.  I didn't know this but he had such bad hand tremors that he was unable to feed himself until today.  He is also sleeping more peacefully.  The pain is less and he has been up walking more today.  Tomorrow he is being moved to long term care which is a unit in the hospital where patients go for rehab and physical therapy before going home.  He will only be there a few days if things go as planned.  My mom is getting good rest and sounds good, too.  Thank you for all the prayers!  They work.

Ta Ta for Now.


Anonymous said...

The quilt is beautiful Kathy, I'm sure it'll become a treasured heirloom! Funny but I just read Jan's entry and she's been doing patchwork too! I'm glad your dad is doing better today. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt Kathy.....your work is so awesome! I can't even sew a button on....well, I do it, but they look horrible :) Your new Grandchild will be blessed to have you as their Grandma.....the quilt will be a bonus ;)
Glad your parents are both doing okay, I will keep your Dad in my prayers as he enters this new phase in his care.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is lovely, I am very jealous as I am rubbish at stuff like that. Glad all is going well for your family hope it continues.
All the best

Anonymous said...

Is it only nine weeks now ,oh gosh where did that time go ? I love the quilt as you will imagine ,doing similar ,please show us it when you have it finished ,Pleased your Dad is doing better ,now and your Mum getting a rest Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Very cute quilt!  Can't wait to see the finished product!  So glad to hear that your Dad is doing so well...Jae

Anonymous said...

I need to get my sewing machine fixed so I can sew too!!  It was my mom's and when she did I got it, but it just hasn't worked well since.  I can't believe that baby is nearly here already!  time flies!  so glad everyone is doing well, yes Kathy prayer does work!  xox  rose~