Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Oh, Baby

Today after going to the gym for my water aerobics class, I stopped at Starbucks for my iced latte.  The Starbuck's is in a relatively new shopping center so I decided to walk around and window shop while I sipped my coffee.  One of the first stores I came to was a children's store.  In the window was a beautiful wicker bassinet with a pink quilt set tucked inside.  Next to it was hanging a little pink dress with tiny little rose buds down the front and tiny little pink tights in a newborn size.  A young lady was leaving the store and locking it behind her.  Our eyes met and she asked if I wanted to go inside and look around.  "No, I'm just admiring the bassinet.  It makes me wish I were going to have another grandbaby."  She smiled at me and walked away.  I lingered at the window for another minute looking at all the cute baby clothes, especially the clothes for baby girls, and left there thinking how fun it would be to have another granddaughter.  As I walked back to my car, I thought about my 3 grandchildren and how much fun they are.  I let the thought of another one go because at the time I knew it would be at least 5 or 6 years before Cari and Sam would be married and settled down long enough to have children.

Tonight, my son called to tell me that he and his wife are expecting their 4th child next April.  They hadn't planned on having any more children but I guess God has other plans for their family.  My first reaction was, to be honest, worry because Shannon's last pregancy was so high risk.  She was in bed from the 17th week until Andrew was born at 36 weeks.  He is an absolute miracle!  I know that the chance of her having the same complications are not likely but I can't help but be concerned.  Prenancy isn't easy for her under the best circumstances.  They aren't in the best financial situation either but then when Dennis and I had Bryan we were poor as church mice and we survived.  I know I just need to start praying about this and trust that God will take care of it like he has taken care of everything else.  I hope God doesn't mind if I pray for a little girl this time.  That's why I've typed this in pink - I hope it has some influence...  LOL....  


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your son and Shannon! I do hope this pregnancy goes better than the last one. Are you going to get the bassinet for them?! How odd that you were looking at it not knowing you were having another addition to the family! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Wow that was a coincidence,hope all goes well this time and that it is indeed a little girl ,my daughter had my one and only Grandaughter after ,three boys ,it happens lol .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

ah hope you have a granddaughter soon. HECK I would be glad for ONE tracy is 25 adn NO PROSPECTIVE men in her life and Rachael is 18 and have never dated. I so ache for a cihld of my own or even a grandchild. Its veyrhurtful to see all thats gone on in the world with babies and know thta we are trying and to have one and even adoption is out of our reach !!!!!!! and there are babies they could fly over here....... the cost of a plane ticke with red cross workers on it and for an attorneys fee of a few hundred that for a total of 1000 bucks we could have a baby and yet even special needs with the government is 12K !!!!!!!!! its a money making racket and its veyr hurtful

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!   Jae

Anonymous said...

Well...heck.. you just looked in that window and wished for a baby, and darned it you didn't go home and get your wish!! lol  From your lips to God's ears!  I hope all goes well with your DIL's pregnancy.  I know how scary that can be, because my DIL (Garrett's mom) had about 4 miscarriages, before she was able to carry our little blessing to full term.
I pray all will go good for her, and that it's a girl!! :)  

Congrats Kathy! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh man, that story gave me goosebumps!!!! I'm so happy you are getting a new Grandbaby and God won't mind you asking for a girl since you had all that Karma and everything earlier in the day :) I will pray for Shannon's health and also the health of the baby, I just know everything will be fine. Oh I love babies!!!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

wow, congrats...I know everything will work!  rose~