Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Jackie at HOPE FLOATS is asking all journalers to participate in AOL's 3 year Journaling Anniversary.  You can go to her journal or you can go to any of the other links posted below for information about the big To Do:


Each link goes to a journal that will tell you more about what is happening and how you can get involved.  If for some reason you don't understand something then email the owner of that journal.


he is making a video for everyone to particpate in!!
I'll be checking out these sites to find out what is going on.  It's for everyone who has a journal no matter if you are a newbie or if you've been journaling from the very beginning.
Pass this on to your journaling friends.


Anonymous said...

yes and the graphics are really neat this year. I think a j land video is amazing and wonderful

Anonymous said...

TY for the mention!

Anonymous said...

Have already done a couple of entries spreading the word from over here.


Anonymous said...

Chris has made an anniversary cake for us, it looks so yummy! see it at http://journals.aol.com/cacklinrosie101/CabsCreations/entries/2006/08/08/the-cake-has-arrived/523 Jeannette xx