Monday, August 14, 2006

Me, me and more me

I got the following Q & A from Jackie at:

1. Do you say Hi to people you don't know?

All the time!  I'm very outgoing and friendly.  I like to greet strangers and watch their reaction.  I really like it when they say 'hi' back but if they start telling me about their last operation I always wish I'd kept my mouth shut.  LOL

2. What is the name of the last person you kissed?

On the mouth, my husband Dennis.  All over their cute faces: my three grandchildren!

3. Do you still talk to this person? 

I talk to him most of the time - unless we've had a huge fight but that's not very often.  ~..รด

4. Recite a line from a movie. 

 "Yo, Adrienne!!!"  

5. What movie was that from?    From Rocky 1 thru 75  LOL

6. Do you play by the rules?  It depends on the situation.  Most of the time I do but there are times when I might stretch the boundaries a little if I have to.

7. What are you doing this weekend?  Saturday, I am picking up my granddaughter, Megan and grandson, Nathan in the early afternoon.  They will spend the night then on Sunday, Nathan is going to the Angel game with his grandpa because it is Photo Day and he will be able to go out on the field and meet some of the players.  Megan and I are going to work on a scrapbook page about our trip to the zoo and perhaps see a movie.

8. Do you complain a lot?  No, I really don't.  My motto is 'Attitude is Everything'.  I really do try to have the best attitude about each day and every situation.  I'm not perfect, of course, and I do complain some once in a while.

9. Have you ever been to Canada?  Yes.  I've been to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia and I've been to Alberta when we went to Glacier National Park a few years ago.  I'm going back to Vancouver the end of this month as the starting point for our cruise to Alaska.

10. Do you have a good personality?   It's a difficult question for me to answer.  I get positive feedback from others about my personality and sense of humor so I guess I would have to say, "Yes."

11. What size would you say your nose is?

Well, it's smaller than a sweet potato - LOL.  Considering the size of some of the noses in my family, I am very lucky to have the one I do.  I think it's kind of round and a little big.

12. What is someone's name that begins with the letter A?

Andrew Ryan - my 20 month old grandson.

13. Name someone whose plastic surgery turned out poorly.

Oh, there are so many to chose from.  Joan Rivers, Meg Ryan (she used to be so cute and now she looks like the Joker), & Kenny Rogers to name a few.

14. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone?  Yes, twice.

15. Name something that falls from the sky.  I've heard that big chunks of sewer ice fall from airplanes (ewwwwie). 

16 Are you polite?  I am polite until someone is rude to me and then the polite turns to an assertive, less than polite stance that sometimes makes me appear somewhat mouthy.

17. Name a TV show or movie that impacted society.  The Passion of the Christ. 

18. Name a song that has the word 'baby' in it.

      Oh, Baby, Baby by Smokie Robinson and the Miracles

19. Name your favorite Walt Disney movie.   Peter Pan

20. Have you ever been scuba diving?  Ah, no, that's a negative.

21. Name a profession you would NOT like to have.  Any job where I would have to work outside in the heat and/or cold.

22. Name someone you know with red hair.  My niece, Jolene

23. Name a popular DJ.   Rick Dees - I saw him one day when I was having lunch at BJ's in Corona.  He was on his way out and 2 ladies stopped him to ask for his autograph.  He was so nice to them.  I was very impressed with his kindness.

24. Name something white.  My West Highland White Terrier, Kasey and my un-tanned legs (LOL).  I went swimming with my grandkids the other day and my 7 year old granddaughter told me I had the whitest legs she'd ever seen.  "Thanks, Meg."

25. Are you better at explaining things, or performing them?

      Performing them.  I have a hard time explaining things.

26. Have you ever been to a boxing match?

No and I would never go to one.  It'd disgusting.

27. Did you ever stutter, or have a hard time pronouncing?

I never stuttered but I used to say 'cumberque' for cucumber.

28. Do you eat out or buy groceries more often?

Buy groceries.

29. What month are many of your friends born in?  March

30. If you could have been born a different ethnicity, which one would you have chosen?   I honestly don't know - there are things I admire about so many different ethnic groups.

31. Name another way to say, "Perfect."

       God, Jesus, Holy Spirit

32. Name something you think is disgusting.

      Poor table manners (eating with your mouth open, talking with a mouth full of food),  nasty body odor from not keeping clean,  and chewing tobacco. 

33. What is your favorite type of soup?

My Dad's cream of mushroom.

34. Name something that rhymes with the word, "sunny."

A funny bunny ate some honey.

35. Name a fattening food?

     Chocolate caramel turtle brownies with pecans

36. Name something that you are just NOT good at. 

37. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?

      I try to drink 6 to 8  8oz. glasses a day.

38. How do you usually say good-bye to people?  Ahh,  I say,

      "Good bye".  LOL   I hug those I love and I'm close to, tell them that I love them and then say good bye. 

39. Does your license plate say anything on it?  It say's California and then three letters and three numbers.  On the bottom it says 'Veteran' and before the letters there is the symbol for the American Veterans of the Viet Nam War.  My husband is a Viet Nam Vet and I got him that license plate to honor his service.

40. Name a type of dance?  Tango

41. Name a type of Martini?  Dry?

42. Would you rather do dishes or laundry?  Laundry

43. Did you have braces?No 

44. Name someone you are really good friends with.  Dianne

45. Name something purple.  Eggplant

46. What is something good about getting older?  I don't sweat the small stuff anymore.

47.  And something negative?  Things, like body parts, hurt that didn't used to.

48. Name a song you really enjoy.  Smooth by Santana

49. Name someone with the same middle name as you.

      I don't know anyone else with Diane as their middle name.  My best friend's first name is Dianne.  Does that count?

I learned a few new things about myself.  Maybe someone reading this will learn something new about me, too.




Anonymous said...

As Isaid to Jackie ,you have put alot of thought into this one and its a great way of learning more about you ,you must do some hard thinking for some of these though .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I stutter not all the time but when Im tired overly excited. I have always done that. Alot dont know I stutter so its not like its really bad but family does and close friends

Anonymous said...

Now we know much more about you!  Great answers

Anonymous said...

I've learnt an awful lot about you Kathy! Good answers! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...


Your personality was showing throughout this entry!  I love it!  You added a touch of humor (which I absolutely adore) to all your answers!  Reminds me of someone else I know.. hee  

I am so glad we found each other in this little community called JLand, Kathy.  You are a gem! could I have not thought of Michael Jackson when the plastic surgery question was asked?  My gosh.. he has got to be at the top of that list! lol
