Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Lord Speaks to Us In Mysterious Ways

I think the Lord speaks to us all the time.  We just have to be listening and watching for the signs.  Right?  Well, this morning I went out to do my errands.  I stopped by Sips to have a latte and to see Cari for a few minutes. After that I went into the grocery store to buy fruit and two birthday cards for my grandson, Nathan, who will be 5 on the 24th.  We are celebrating his birthday this Sunday. 

From there, I was going to the fabric store to buy thread to hem two pair of pants.  When I got in my car, I noticed a little flyer under the windshield wiper.  {Those things usually irritate the heck out of me because I have to get out and pluck it off the window before I drive off so not to litter the streets as I drive home.}  To my surprise, it was a coupon from a little tailor shop offering a $2.00 discount on hemming a pair of pants.  BLING!!! Bells and Whistles went off in my head - my eyes lit up like Christmas lights and I got a glow all over my body.  Wow!!!  I had never noticed the shop before and it is only two doors down from Sips!!! (Hence, the message from God reference LOL) I locked my car, crossed the parking lot and went inside.  I asked how much to hem a pair of pants.  $8.00 for regular and $12.00 if they have cuffs.  I asked, "With the coupon that would be $6.00 off one?"  She smiled and said, "I'll do all for $6.00 each."  I could have hugged her!  I would have paid at least $6.00 for the thread and spent at least 4 hours cutting, pressing, and sewing all four pair.  They will do this by next Monday!!!  I won't have the stress of messing up and I can do something else to get ready for the trip with those 4 hours.  It's totally a win/win situation.  The little lady probably thought I was nuts because I got so excited.  I told her I felt blessed by the Lord and she just smiled and nodded.  I hope she's not afraid of me when I go back.  LOL

This is another example of how I've grown and changed this year.  The old me would not have considered having someone else hem those pants.  I would have done it and been stressed and pressed for time.  I probably wouldn't have even read the coupon.  The new me takes much bettercare of myself.  I pamper myself when I can without being reckless about it and not going overboard.  I would have thought spending $24 to have it done was just too much money on top of what I already spent on the pants.  But when I consider how valuable time is, it's not expensive at all.  I'm worth that much and I deserve to ask for the help in a situation like this.

Hope everyone reading this will do something really nice for themself soon and feel the glow of pampering yourself and taking care of your own needs.  It's a blessing from the Lord for YOU.



Anonymous said...

I am with you it's the little things that we really need to pay attention to!  They always add up to one BIG blessing!  rose~

Anonymous said...

oh wwhat a blessing when we stop to smell the roses

Anonymous said...

Food for thought, Kathy..  that' s for sure!

Nice story.. :)


Anonymous said...

You're so right, we give others our time without thinking but never give ourselves any! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Very cool!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Sometimes is wise to be selfish ..........Janxx