Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ahh, Life

I'm writing this in blue because a new baby boy has been born.  Remember the young man in England?  The one I made the baby blanket for?  His son was born a few days ago.  Baby Jack weighed in at just over 7 pounds.  Healthy and robust.  Mom and baby boy are both doing well.  The new father is over the moon with joy and excitement about the birth of his son.  It just gave me goose bumps and tears to read about his emotions as he welcomed his son into the world. 

By the way, Nic, his girlfriend, thinks the blanket and other gifts came from someone he met while reading their journal...  LOL   He thinks she knows he has a journal but is being sweet and letting him have his private space and just not saying anything.  I thought that was a very good explanation. 

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I finally found out what is going on with my Dad's health and it is not good.  He has been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.  This disease causes the tiny air sacs in his lungs to thicken and become stiff ~ then the lung function is diminished and his oxygen saturation diminishes.  He will have to be on oxygen for the rest of his life.  The damage was caused by medication he was taking to control atrial fibrillation.  A-Fibrillation is when the upper chambers of the heart flutter or twitch instead of contract normally during a beat.  The medication, Amiodaron, was the last ditch medication available to control the condition.  If he goes back into A-Fib, he will most likely have to have a pacemaker. 

Pulmonary fibrosis is a very serious condition.  As it progresses in makes the lungs stiffen and eventually they cannot expand and contract.  Hopefully, and most likely, as the medication leaves his system (7-10 days) the damage will not get worse but it will not reverse and get better.  There are some types of fibrosis that continue to worsen and eventually cause death.  The type my Dad has can lead to other complications like heart attack and stroke if his oxygen levels are not maintained properly.

My sister will arrive in Laramie on Thursday to lend support to my parents and to help oversee the decisions being made about his care and medications.  There are some decisions that are being made that she and I do not feel are in his best interest and she is going to try to intervene in his behalf.  My parents are not very assertive when it comes to dealing with their doctor.  They think if he says something they should just go along with it.  Most of the time, that's probably OK but there are 2 things that have come up that she and I really want to challenge and have further dialog with the doctor about before a final decision is made.  I would have gone, too, but I have promised my daughter-in-law and son to be on call when the baby comes and that is pretty much anytime now.  Shannon has been having contractions (probably Braxton-Hicks) but I'm not leaving town until the baby is born especially when Carol is willing and able to go and take care of things now.  Bless her heart!!!

More later.......................  Hugs


Anonymous said...

How lovely, a new blanket for a lovely new baby boy ,you are kind ,hope you can resolve the problems with your Dad ,Oh biting my nails now Shannon ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

A view from both ends of life I wish luck to your friend with the newborn and especially to your father, I know how difficult and frustrating it can be to go through this kind of thing with a parent.
p.s. would you send me the link to the young mans blog would love to take a peek.

Anonymous said...

I`m so sorry to hear that your Dad is so poorly. I hope his health will improve once the medication is out of his system and that the outlook isn`t too bad long term. I hope all will be well with Shannon and the baby, hopefully it won`t be long now.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I believe Debbie said it best "a view from both end's of life". The joy of birth and the winding down of a very loving man. I hope and pray things do improve, and yes bless your sister for being willing to intervene on your parents behalf. Sounds as if you will soon have yet another beautiful addition to your family. I will keep you and yours in my prayers on the smoke. (Hugs) Love Ya Indigo

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear that you father is so ill, I hope his condition improves when the medication that caused it leaves his body, so pleased that your sister can step in with your parents,  will you pass congratulations on to the new young family here in England on the birth of their son, hope that everything goes well  for Shannon,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the young man and his girlfriend! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, PF is a nasty disease. I hope he can be made comfortable with the oxygen therapy. Jeannette xx