Thursday, March 1, 2007

Just Take the Bull by the Horns

I do not like sitting around waiting to hear what is going on 1100 miles away with my Dad so today, I called his doctor and spoke with him directly.  I am so glad I did.  He's a very nice, very direct and honest guy.  It did me a lot of good to hear everything from him.  First of all, it gave me confidence to know that my mom was doing a great job of reporting the facts and not leaving anything out.  Second, it helped me make the decision about whether I should go to Wyoming now or wait a bit longer.

Early this morning, I had heard that my Dad had a breathing crisis over night.  They moved him into a new room and anyone going in must wear a mask and gloves.  I also found out that if the steroid treatment does not work, there is really nothing else that can be done for him.  This news left me thinking he was a death's door and that I should leave tomorrow so I wanted to talk directly to his doctor to get some direction and feedback from him.

He said that my dad is not that critical right now.  When I asked about the breathing crisis last night, he replied, "There was no crisis.  He had the two little oxygen tubes removed from his nose and we put a breathing mask on him that covers his nose and mouth because he's a mouth breather."  I just about flipped, "Well, if you heard him tell the story, it sounded like you nearly lost him last night."

Dr. chuckled and assured me that there was no medical emergency and that my Dad is tending to over react and take little things very hard because he is depressed and very fearful that he is losing this battle.   (From now on, I want 3 sources to verify a story before it's passed on to me. )

The doctor did confirm that my dad can die of this and that if the steroids do not work, there is really nothing else they can do for him.  He said that the next 5 or so days will tell the story and he should be able to assess his progress more accurately in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Tonight, my sister called.  She said Dad's oxygen saturation numbers were up in the lower 90's and his blood count was stable.  Both of these things are verygood signs that maybe the steroids are kicking in and going to work.  Dr. Carlson said that he is cautiously optimistic that the steroid treatment is beginning to work and he will be able to tell more in the next 24 to 36 hours. 

Sooooo, we are continuing to pray that the treatment works and he is able to rally from this illness.  It's going to be a scary few days but we are strong in our faith and know that God is in charge and whatever happens it is His will for my Dad and that everything will work out according to His plan.

Thanking you all for your prayers and concern.


Anonymous said...

I am sure you are feeling less anxious now that you have talked with the doctor.  That direct line is very helpful.  Did you make a decision about when to go?  Jae

Anonymous said...

Glad your Dad's condition has improved, it must be a huge relief to get the truth first hand.
Debbie xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you were able to talk to his doctor Kathy! Your dad is probably very frightened by all this and he will over re-act, bless him. Hospitals can be quite scary places especially at your dad's age! I hope his blood and oxygen levels keep strong for him and he recovers from this. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

so please that you managed to talked with the Dr to find out what is happening with your Dad, praying  that the steroids work for him,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers kathy

Anonymous said...

It must have been reaasuring to speak to your Dads Doctor ,I continue to remember him in my prayers Jan xx

Anonymous said...

With all the love and support, your dad should be just fine.  Love is very powerful.  :)     Tracy

Anonymous said...

If his O2 sats are going up then that is a good sign.  The oxygen is circulating through his body which means the steroids are doing the trick!  I will keep him in my prayers, Kathy..   He sounds like a strong man.. and that's a good thing!

Hugs, love and prayers
