Saturday, June 24, 2006

Friends Move Away

I have a friend that is moving away from me.  It seems like this happens in stages.  I'll go for a long time with my circle of friends staying very stable and then in a short period of time, there is a shake up due to one circumstance or another.  When I was younger, it used to bother me and sometimes hurt me deeply when this happened.  But now, I realize that this is just part of life. 

My friend, Anne, is moving.  There is a garage sale going on to clear out the stuff they don't want to pack and take with them to their new home.  Lucky for me it's no more than an hours drive.  Another lucky thing is our grandchildren attend the same school so there is a good chance I will see her at least twice a year at their school programs.  We never miss watching our grandchildren perform.  Anne has lived two houses away for nearly 14 years.  I used to watch her son, Brian, when he was out of school on breaks.  He and I became very close and I love him to pieces.  He's now 21 years old and has moved away but I see him when he visits his parents.  Anne and I have never been the type of friends to talk every day but we have shared the big things and when she's needed help, I'm the one she calls and visa versa.  She suffers from migraine headaches and when her husband has been out of town on business, I'm the one who has driven her to the ER for treatment.  She donated a kidney to her brother and she and I sat on her patio many afternoons during her recovery talking about the miracle of recovery and how amazing our bodies were to mend from something like that.  I'm going to miss seeing her at the mail box when I go down to fetch our daily stack of junk mail and bills.  She is one of those people who has touched my life in a positive way and has left an impact on my heart that I'll always treasure.



Anonymous said...

It is sad when people move on and though we alawys mean to keep in touch ,sometimes it proves difficult ,for one reason or another ....Jan xxx

Anonymous said...

I hope Anne will be happy in her new home and you two stay in touch. Like Jan said , it's so easy to not call and then lose touch. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I do hope you and Anne will stay in touch, and who knows, perhaps you can visit each other often. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope that you both manage to stay in touch and visit as often as possible,  just think of all the news that you will beable to catch up on when you do meet again
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I hate when friends move away and I hope you & Anne won't lose'll just have to make it a priority not to!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

awwww {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} My friend di dnto move away she got a job adn things have changed so much