Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Making Plans

I'm not going to have time to journal on Wednesday so I thought I'd write this down before I forget to put it in here.  I made reservations for our one night hotel stay in Vancouver, B.C. on August 26th.  We decided to fly into Vancouver the day before our Cruise starts so we can be rested and have a little time to explore the city.  We were in Vancouver at the end of our last Cruise and just loved it.  It's a beautiful city!  I have two cousins living there.  Michelle is an executive chef and Derek is an architect.  I won't have time to see either of them during our short stop which is unfortunate.  (Interesting Family Fact:  We have 3 architects in our family. My husband, Dennis, Derek, and Karen.)   This time the exchange rate isn't nearly as good.  It's .89 U.S.  to 1.00 Canadian today.  Last time it was a bigger difference in our favor. 

I need to get rested.  I have the little monsters tomorrow.  LOL  My grandchildren and I are spending the day together.  I will get there around 10:00 and stay most of the day.  I may even have dinner there.  We'll see.  Dennis is going to the Angel game with one of his friends so there is no rush for me to get home.  Shannon will be at school until 9:00 that night so I may pick up something on the way back from the mall after my shopping trip with Megan.  That way I can have some time with Bryan after the kids go to bed.  I really miss one on one time with my son.  When he was still at home, I used to sit in a big over stuffed chair in his room when he was either waking up or going to sleep and we would have some of the best talks.  He's my talker.  He expresses himself so well.  He calls a lot and shares stories about the kids.  He's so open about his life and how he feels about things.  I feel so lucky because I have a lot of friends with sons who say just the opposite - especially after they get married. 

That's it for now.  I'm sure I'll have some tales to share on Thursday.    Until then.................   ô..ô




Anonymous said...

Vancouve is beautiful, I've never been there but my aunt lived in Kelowna, BC and used to travel to Vancouver a lot and send us pictures. Have a good day with the grand children! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day with your grandchildren, and your son.
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Ihave that relation ship with one of my sons. have a lovely day with your grandchilren...Enjoy the trip , ...Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Jope you share ltos of pcis of your day tomorrow and I think that is an awesome idea to go a day early

Anonymous said...

Vancouver sounds lovely.....I'd love to go someday! We went on a cruise for our honeymoon 27 years ago.....started in FL, went through the Panama Canal and ended up in San Francisco, we sailed right under the Golden Gate which was beautiful. It was a little long though....17 days, YIKES!! Next time I'd never go over a week :)
I loved hearing you talk about your time with Bryan then and now, you always write so awesome.....and you're a great Mom. I will say it made me loney for Mandy, she's a talker too and still is. She calls me in the morning when she wakes up and at night before she goes to bed, never fails....if she's going to be out late she calls me from where she is at around 10:30 and says: I just wanted to make sure I said good night to you"....don't ya just love our children?  We once paid her a $1.00 to not talk for 10 minues of peace though when she was little.....she caved at 30 seconds :) Hope the day was magical for you and not to tiring.

Pooh Hugs,