Friday, June 16, 2006

Our Purpose In Life Explained

Thanks to my friend, Christy, for this one!

It's 102 degrees now.  I was SO happy to walk into an air conditioned house after picking up my new glasses.  What a relief!  The good news:  The wind has died down significantly.  It's breezy but not howling.

Our family will be celebrating Father's Day here on Sunday.  We will barbeque halibut and chicken.  I bought some beautiful fresh asparagus when I was out today which I will steam and serve with a big tossed salad, herbed rice and fresh pineapple. When I go shopping in the morning, I'll pick up fresh dinner rolls, too.  My daughter-in-law is bringing the dessert.  My DIL's dad is visiting from Arizona so he will be joining us for dinner, too.  I hope it has cooled down a bit by Sunday.

I have nothing else to report right now so I think I'll close this out, read a few journals and then take a nice little nap.

See y'all later.





Anonymous said...

Are you new specs comfy ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you can see clearly now........Ooh! I hear a song coming on! Have a lovely weekend, your Fathers Day meal sounds lovely, are we all invited?! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

glad to know why Im here !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you all have a wonderful Father's Day, the meal sounds delicious.

Anonymous said...

yummy, love asparagus and the thought for the day, thanks for your visit.