Friday, May 25, 2007



I like the new color choices we have for our journal fonts.  I also like how we can add photos to the body of our journal now.  Much easier.  I wish we could still add a caption but wouldn't want to go back to the old way of doing things. 

I had a nice day today.  My sister, mom and I went to Sips and had coffee with Cari and then went fabric shopping.  My sister makes handbags, over night bags, and purses so when she comes down we usually go to a fabric shop near my home where she stocks up on tapestry, velvet, and other rich fabrics for her projects.  Today, she bought fabric for a duvet cover she is making for a friend in the most gorgeous black and burgundy combination.  I can't wait to see how it turns out.  She also bought at least 25 one to two yard remnants to use to make her bags and purses.  She's going to be very busy. 

I found a gorgeous tapestry fabric and bought enough to make myself a jacket.  I have seen tapestry jackets in the stores for as much as $250 and I will be able to make one for less than $50.  Not bad.  I'll post a photo when I'm finished with it.

Tomorrow, Bryan, Shannon and the kids are coming over for the afternoon and evening.  We're going to have a barbecue and spend the day with my mom and sister.  My mom is going to my brother's on Sunday and then back to Wyoming on Monday so it will be the last time my son, DIL, & grandchildren will be able to see her until Christmas.  She spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights at their house.  I guess they had a great time!  Thursday was Nathan's kindergarten graduation so my sister, Dennis and I went to that and then brought my mom home with us after the celebration.

On June 8, Bryan and his family are flying to Oahu, Hawaii to check into the possibility of buying a business and moving there.  He has been looking into this deal for about 3 months and it has now reached the point where the family is going to fly over to look at housing, schools, and he will meet with the attorney/CPA that is coordinating the deal to look at all the final financial figures before making up his mind and either signing the deal or walking away from it.  The housing market here is just getting worse and 2 of his biggest builders are near bankruptcy.  If they fail, in 6 months he may not be able to support his family in Southern California.  As it stands now, it takes them 3 months to pay him.  He just cannot keep his business going with such a snag in his cash flow. 

It breaks my heart into tiny pieces to think of my grandchildren moving so far away.  I can't think about it without crying.  Our bond is so strong and they mean everything to me.  To think I would go from seeing them at least two or three times a month to three times a year is more than I can take.  I understand why Bryan has to check out this opportunity and that he has to take it if it is the right thing for him and his family.  I will support him all the way.  Somehow I will get through this and will make the very best of the situation.  Just right now, I'm really upset and hurting about it.  Having just lost my Dad, it just doesn't seem right that I'm facing another huge loss so soon. 



Anonymous said...

I know it'll make you sad if your sone and his children move to Hawaii. It's so far from you isn't it but it'll make your time with them extra special. Hawaii's a beautiful place to grow up, I loved it there but I'm hoping they can find somewhere nearer home. After losing your dad I can see you don't want to suffer another loss. I can't wait to see the tapestry jacket you're going to make, it sounds beautiful. Have a good weekend! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

It is sad when family move so far away but thanks to modern technology you can see them on your computer for a chat when ever you want that's how we cope with family on the otherside of the world from us. At least he is doing what is best for his family and that makes him a big man in my book. Take heart and think of the lovely holidays you can have in Hawaii now that you will have the perfect excuse to go there, lol.

Anonymous said...

I know all too well about living far away...
Have fun today..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been busy.  My heart breaks for you and the situation with the grandkids.  It would be tough to have them so far away.  Have you ever gone into L.A. to the wholsesale district for fabric ?  I saw some beautiful stuff there.  Bob's daughter has bought all her drapery material there and it is simply gorgeous.    Hugs to you and the family at this time of decision for must be tough for him, too.

Anonymous said...

Ican so understand how you feel if /when Brian and Shannon move ,seeing our Grandchildren ,is so wonderful ,Iwould like to have been with you when you were fabcic shopping it sounded so much fun ,and yes do show the finished items when they are done Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I would be the same if Roman moved away from here. I see him nearly every day and like you, we have a very strong bond. I can imagine how must be feeling.


Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I understand completely.  Hopefully things will work out so they will not have to move away.  rose

Anonymous said...

I understand how your feeling hon, although sometimes people have to do what they can to take care of their family. Perhaps you can invest in a web cam in you don't already have one, then you can communicate with them online and see there faces. It might make it a tad easier being away from them. Wishing you love and peace. Have a wonderful holiday! (Hugs) Indigo