After I dropped Mika off at class, I went to Curves and did my work out. It felt great. It's been nearly 8 weeks since I went. I had a lot of family things come up and I joined the fitness gym for the water aerobics classes so Curves has been on hold. With Mika here and having to be at class at 9:00 I can't get to water aerobics for 2 weeks so it's back to Curves. After I finished, I had to come home and take another shower. The humidity really amped up the sweat index but I think that's a good thing when you are exercising. Now I just need to drink some extra water today to make up for it.
I wrote about our little earthquake yesterday. About 1/2 the comments came from people who had experienced one personally and 1/2 from those who had not. I suppose if you have never felt one, it might seem very scary and strange to all of a sudden feel the ground shake and hear the house rattle. It sounds like a big truck or thunder as it comes. You can actually hear it before you feel it. We have been through so many that when we hear the first thunder of a storm we usually stop and wait for the house to shake then when it doesn't we know it was something else. LOL There have been four quakes in the 51 years that I've lived here that have made a significant impact on me because of the damage they have done in surrounding areas. I personally have never had any damage to a home I was living in, thank you, Jesus. I would rather have an earthquake than a tornado or a hurricane any day. I would prefer if we never had any of these things that cause so much heart ache for so many.
I want to write about the weekend. Some really neat things happened that I want to be sure to enter in my journal. On Saturday morning, I drove to Brea (which is about a 40 min. drive) and met two girlfriends for lunch. I used to work with both of them in the early 70's but I have known Linda since I was a little kid. We grew up in the same neighborhood and it was a coincidence that we got a job at the same place. Vicki and I have kept in touch over the years and see each other about once a year. Vicki and I hadn't seen Linda in over 20 years. I found her by going on a web site to see if my high school class was having a reunion next year. I scrolled thru all the names from my high school and found that she had registered and left an email address so I sent her an email. She was as happy to hear from me as I was to find her. We met at The Cheese Cake Factory for lunch. I knew her instantly. She hasn't aged at all (well, maybe a tad). We all exchanged hugs then sat down and fell into a conversation as easily as if we had seen each other the day before. We chatted feverishly until we placed our orders and then we each took about 20 minutes to talk about what had been and what was going on in our lives. We pulled out pictures of our kids and their kids (if they had any). We talked from 11:00 to 1:30 non-stop. I think we could have talked the entire day if pressing engagements hadn't forced us to stop. We left promising it wouldn't be another 20 years before we got together again. Time is just to precious to let friendships like this go for so long.
Yesterday we went to Laguna Beach for the day. We were hoping to escape the heat but it wasn't much better there. It was about 90 degrees, very humid and no breeze. All of this very unusual. We took an Easy-Up (like a tent with no sides) for shade, chairs, coolers with our lunch and lots of bottled water. Bryan, Shannon and the kids were there along with Cari and Sam, Dennis and I and Mika and her best friend, Tomea (pronounced Toe-May). Everyone except Dennis and I went in the water. We have an aversion to ocean water. It's not too clean off our coast line. Younger people don't care about that. They just want to cool off and have fun.
While they were down by the water, two seals came ashore. The lifeguards immediately had everyone out of the water and moved everyone at least 25 yards down the beach to give the animals their space. They drew quite a crowd. They looked at the people - the people looked at them and within about 5 minutes they were diving back in the water and disappearing again. About 15 minutes later, here they come again. The lifeguards repeated the same drill. The seals repeated their drill. This happened about 3 more times over the next 1-1/2 hours. It was like those seals were teasing everyone on the beach. You could almost imagine them having a conversation, "Ok, now, let's head back in and make 'em scatter." LOL Megan, Nathan, and Andrew thought it was great to see them - the adults were getting pretty annoyed.
Last night, Cari and Sam took Mika and Tomea to Calif. Pizza Kitchen for dinner. They tried pepperoni for the first time and liked it. They said in Japan they have corn on their pizza. I guess they had a great time. Cari just got the biggest kick out of the girls. She said they were so funny and having a great time out with the University students. I hope to post some pictures soon.
Until later...................................... ô..ô
Your Mika seems to have settled in very well ,how lovely meeting up with your friends for lunch and a good old natter ..........Jan xx
wow shes fitting rihgt in
How nice to catch up with old friends. I bet you had jaw ache from all that nattering. Lol at the seals, they were probably having fun at human expense.
Hi Kathy,
I'm finally getting caught up on my journal reading.....what a job!!!! Anyhow, it was so nice to catch up with you and all you've been up to. How much fun that you have Mika with you for two weeks....I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience for you both. When we go to Japan in EPCOT center, I always buy Wasabi Roasted Peas, they are soooo yummy...I wonder if she eats those? LOL!
I was laughing hysterically about Kacey & the opossum....OMG too funny! When you said how far the dog barking sound travels there, you know what popped into my mind? The O.J. Simpson trial and the "platif wail" from Nicole's dog that everyone said they weird was THAT memory?? :) :) <hehehe>
How scary about the Earth Quakes, although I'm glad you can take them in your stride. I guess you'd have to in order to live there. We have tornadoes and Mandy has Hurricane's now....I guess it's always something no matter where you live, huh? Glad you found some clothes for the cruise....I bet you are getting so very excited to go!! I have to tell you I was envious about you shopping at Coldwater Creek, I can't wait until I can fit there. But, I was even MORE envious that you still have a DISNEY STORE!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!! Ours all closed and I suffered Disney withdrawl big time after they left.....I got some of the cutest things there.
Well, I hope you enjoy your week wih your house guest.......have loads of fun & giggles. :)
Pooh Hugs,
I go to Curves also, I've haven't been in over a week! I am going today though. It's easier for me during the school year. I went to Santa Ana in 1989 after the big LA quake. I live in the midwest so all we get are big winds, big snowstorms and Tornados. It's so fun to see old friends! I love the beach! rose
How cute to see those seals come right up to the shoreline like that!
You're right about our So Cali Beaches.. they are so horrible. I used to go in the water when I was a kid, but no more. It's just gross looking. Especially if you've ever been to a place (like Hawaii or the Bahamas) where the water is so blue, clear and pretty. Our water looks like a cess pool.
Sounds like you had a nice reunion with your old friends. Times like those are priceless!
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