What a day! I was busy from 6:30 this morning until just now and it's a little past 8 in the evening. This is Wednesday so Miss Kasey had her 7 a.m. grooming appointment. After that I had a nail appointment. From there, I dashed to Costco to pick up a few things and then I zoomed home to get a few loads of laundry started before heading back out for a doctor's appointment at 2:30. While at Costco, I picked up something for the gal who does my nails so I had to drive to her house. I called her when I was close so she was waiting at the curb when I drove up to fetch a huge package of paper towels. From there, I had to go to the drug store to pick up medication refills and two new prescriptions my doctor wrote for me today. Since traffic up the hill to my house from the drug store is an absolute mess with the construction going on and the middle school getting out, I decided to just sit and wait for my medications to be filled. That ate up about an hour. I strolled around the store, looked at greeting cards, bought a loaf of bread and then sat in a hard plastic chair outside the pharmacy while I waited. Soon everything was ready so I wrote my check and went out to the car. I put the key in, turned it and nothing happened. Zip, Zero.... no clicking, no grinding, no engine start, no lights on the dash.........nothing. I tried again and again then after banging my head against the steering wheel until I got a good sized knot (just kidding) I dug my cell phone out of my purse and called Dennis for help.
My Knight in Shining Honda came speeding down the hill and into the parking lot to save me. He popped the hood expecting to remove a dead battery but the battery indicator light was green which means it's in good shape. We looked at each other and said naughty words.... By this time it was 5:15 p.m. I got on the phone and called the service department at the Chevy dealership. They sent a tow truck and assured me that they didn't mind keeping the car until we can deal with things on Monday. Oh, Yes! All of this running around was preparing for a weekend away. We are leaving in the morning for Cambria, California and will return on Sunday afternoon. Phew, I'm out of breath!!!
Needless to say, I'm about 3 hours behind in my efforts to get ready to go but I will catch up and I will be ready to go tomorrow morning around 10:30. Cari and Sam are coming up on Friday which will be fun. Sam has never been there so it will be great showing him around.
Cambria is a little town on the Central Coast of California just above Morro Bay and just south of San Simeon which is famous for Hearst Castle. The little town is very unique because 1/2 of it is on the beach and 1/2 of it is in the pines. It's quiet, peaceful and just beautiful. My sister and her husband have lived there for many years. They both sold real estate for years so they know almost everyone. Their golden retriever, Gracie, is a celebrity in her own right. She walks into town carrying her own leash which always gets a lot of smiles and attention. She has her route which takes her into quite a few shops where the owners give her treats and make a fuss over her. She is so sweet.
Dennis and I are looking forward to relaxing and just getting away for a few days. This will be his first time away in over a year. He needs it so much. I get little breaks often but he doesn't get away because his work is crazy busy and he has deadlines that he has to keep. This will be so good for him (and for us!).
I'll be gone until Sunday. I hope to have some fun things to write about and some great pictures to add when I get back. Until later........................ ô..ô
What a busy day ,and then the car ugh ....enjoy your break and tell us all about it when you return ........Jan xx
sorry about the car but I cant wait till I can see your pics My husband who is a body man /mechanic says those lights on the dash are IDOT lights!!!!!!!!! lol like for instance by the time the hot engine light goes off its too late and the car has gotten too hot. the check engine lights are a hoot too he says. automatically they go off of thier own accord near 100 K and most times nothing is wrong
You sound in need of the break. It sounds a beautiful place that you're going to, enjoy yourselves. Take lots of pics too! Jeannette xx
Sorry about the car. Hope you have a lovely break and get some rest. Have a good time
After all that running around, you need a vacation! Have a safe trip...Enjoy yourselves! Jae
Awhhhh, too bad I didn't push myself to do a few more journals last night, I would have had a chance to wish you a great time and safe travels. I won't "talk" to you until next Friday evening as we leave for Vegas on Sunday morning. When you get back and read this, I hope you will have had a fabulous, relaxing time and come back renewed in body & spirit :) Wish me luck.....and a new handbag from the Dooney & Bourke store <hehehehe>.
Pooh Hugs,
What a shame about your car, they always go wrong when you`re busy! I have you have a great time in Cambria, it sounds really nice. :o)
Sandra xxxx
I needed to take a nap after your description of your day - and I'm sorry to hear the car became ornery on you. Hope you are recharging and rejuvenating - and that only smiles greet your return.
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