The Angels are back in town after a road trip and the All-Star Break. I'm taking my friend, Joan S. tonight for a girl's night out. She and I try to go to a few games each season. It's fun to go with another woman who enjoys the game as much as I do. Hope they win tonight and break my losing streak. I've been to 8 games this year and haven't seen the Angels win yet.
I woke up early this morning - 6:30 - and got to my water aerobics class. It was a great way to start my day. I feel refreshed and energized. After class I went to Sam's club and stocked up on fresh fruit. I bought cherries, green grapes, strawberries, a fresh pineapple, cameo apples and 2 cantaloupes. I will probably end up sharing some of the bounty with my neighbor, Barbara. I doubt we can eat all of this before it goes bad. Cari came home from work with fruit too. So much for our communication skills. LOL At least she brought home different fruit. She got peaches and green apples. I love summer time when there are so many varieties of fruits and vegetables available. It makes staying on program so much tastier!
This journal entry has been sitting un posted for the past hour while the gardeners were here. They came late today for some reason. I feel so sorry for those guys out there in the heat! They must feel like they are going to melt. I think I've mentioned that my dog, Kasey, HATES the gardeners with an hysterical passion. She hears their truck pull up and she goes into high gear. She has this piercing high pitched bark-cry-warning-yelp thing that she does that raises the hair on the back of my neck and sends chills down my spine. It is the most annoying sound I have ever heard. This would go on the entire time the gardeners are here if I had not discovered THE DOG WHISPERER. He's an amazing dog trainer on the National Geographic Channel. In fact, he has a book out. His name is Cesar Millan. Check out his Web Site at if you are interested. When the gardeners show up, I pick up the dog, put her in my office with her back to a wall and stand right in front of her. I make her sit down and if she tries to move around me, I step in front of her and tell her, "No". She sits there and may whine a little to let me know she's not thrilled with having to behave but she does not go into the frenzy she once did. It is not easy for me because I have to do this the entire time the guys are here. I am hoping that eventually, if I am consistent, she will not need me to stand over her when they come; that she will learn to stay quiet while they are doing their work. He claims that it will take time but that the dog does learn the new behavior. I hope so. She's 7 years old and I have let her get away with it for too long. Wish us luck!!! Cesar says there are no bad dogs just bad dog owners. I hang my head in shame and admit that I have not trained Kasey very well. She is my first dog and I have treated her like a child instead of an animal. I just love her so much and I have projected human-like emotions onto her. I get all worried that her feelings will get hurt. LOL My gosh! She's a dog! If I ever have another dog, I will have training first and then will have training with the dog in the puppy stages. I will better socialize the animal and will be the Pack Leader instead of letting the dog rule the roost. Ahh, live and learn.
I have to share a secret. I cannot float. It is true! I sink like a darn rock. It is so embarrassing. In the water aerobics class we do these exercises where we have to float and stretch using a little noodle thing as a flotation devise. I lean back to float and I just keep going back until I submerge and sink. I come up sputtering and look around to see all the other ladies just floating so pretty. What gives? The instructor says, "Hold in your tummy muscles. That'll help." So I lean back against the noodle-thing, suck in the tummy and sink like a rock. It's hopeless. I talked to my daughter's boyfriend about this and after he stopped laughing hysterically, he told me that there are just some people who cannot float. I don't want to beone of those people. How am I ever going to be a synchronized swimmer if I can't float? I'm seriously thinking about taking some swimming lessons. That might help. One of Cari's friends from church is a swimming instructor. Maybe I'll call him and see if he will give me private floating lessons. Couldn't hurt.
Ok, that's if for now. Until later....................... ô..ô
I heard too that some people lack the bouyancy to float, no matter what they do they can't manage it! Maybe you're one of them! I know what you mean about our pets, so many people treat them like humans, that's so unfair on the animal! I always remember that my cats are animals......pussy cats even!! They have different needs to us and we need to respect them! I hope the training works for Kasey! Enjoy your night out! Jeannette xx
Iwill check out the dog whisperer ,Scooby thinks he' s a kid too ,How funny not being able to float ,says she who has never tried ,all your fruit sounds yummy,I made freash fruit salad yeterday with cream ,no I certainly wouldnt float lol .......Jan xx
I love all the fruit in the summer as well but it seems to go bad so much quicker these days and I have no idea why. Well, I cannot float either. Have never been able to. I have no swum in years but was a reasonably good swimmer but floating always defeated me. Glad you are following that doggie advice. Our next door neighbours dog is a real pest. It yaps continually indoors and outdoors. Other people have blamed our dogs until they realise. We have mentioned this to them but they take absolutely no notice, they do not seem to care. Believe me when it lasts hours it can drive you crazy.
I need the dog whisperer! And, I am thinking of taking swimming lessons...Jae
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