Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Meet Mika

Here are 2 pictures of Mika.  I am going to start taking more.  I bought a little photo album and some post cards of Riverside today.  I want to make a little album for her to take home that has pictures of the house, us and the post cards inside. She is taking lots of pictures of herself with friends but we are not with her during those times.

Tonight, we are going to Downtown Wednesday Night in the older section of downtown Riverside where we will meet up with 3 other host families.  It's like a festival every Wed. night during the summer.  There are food booths, craft booths, bands, art exhibits, and lots of other things going on for the girls to see.  It is near the historic Mission Inn so we will take the girls there and show them around the 100 year old hotel.  Twelve U.S. presidents have stayed there over the years and their portraits hang in the lobby.  I think they will enjoy it.  It will give them a good insight into the diverse ethnic makeup of our community. 

Last night I asked her what she wanted to see while she was here and she told me, "Disneyland," as if I didn't know.  LOL I DO NOT want to go in this heat.  I promised to work very hard to find a family that was going and who would take her with them.  I promised that if I could not find another family that I would go with her but we would have to go from 4:30 p.m. until it closes at Midnight.  I was lucky! Another family that is going on August 1st will include her in their excursion and the great thing is, they are hosting one of her best friends.  Phew!!!  Saved....

Not much else to report right now.  I have so much to catch up on that I can't spend much time writing and/or reading journals right now.  I will catch up when Mika goes home and my life returns to it's normal, boring pace.

Until later....................   ô..ô




Anonymous said...

she looks like a very bouncy happyperson

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the pictures ,you are my hero ,taking in a teenage girl lol .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

What a q-t she is !  you are one brave soul!  smart too!  rose~

Anonymous said...

Ha!  We have probably passed each other at the street fair/Market night in Riverside!  I go there on occasion!  Small world, eh?


Anonymous said...

As usual, I"ve fallen behind in my Journal reading - and as usual I find a wealth of information and opinion and smiles waiting here when I make my way back around.  Mika is adorable - and is truly blessed to have such a wonderful and thoughtful host family.  I know she will leave a little of her heart behind and carry a part of yours with her when she departs - and that both of you will be the richer for it.  Stay cool.  Go Angels (okay, maybe next year).  Thanks for the smiles!
