Sunday, July 23, 2006

Just A Teeny Tiny Entry for Tonight

Didn't I say I had the feeling we were going to have an earthquake?  Well, it hit this morning as we were getting ready to go to the beach.  A 3.7 centered in Mission Viejo which is southwest of us.  We could actually hear it coming and then there was a good sized jolt followed by some rocking.  A few minutes later there was an after shock of 2.something that rocked us lightly and shook the double doors in my office.  It was so funny because we heard it approaching and thought it was thunder.  We had thunder storms last night.  It was overcast this morning and had just started to sprinkle a little when this happened.  As the jolt hit, my husband and I both said at the same time, "I guess that wasn't thunder." 

Mika and her friend, Tomea were upstairs getting ready.  We heard some noise from their room so Cari went up to make sure they were OK.  They thought something had fallen in another room.  When Cari told them we had just had an earthquake they were very surprised.  I guess in the area of Japan where they live, earthquakes are very rare. 

No reports of damage or injuries.  These little quakes are good.  They let off a little stress at a time, hopefully preventing THE BIG ONE. 

Tomorrow, I will write about our day at the beach and how things are going with Mika and our family.

Until then.......................   ô..ô



Anonymous said...

we have had two in ky but in alaska where I was born and lived till we came here. ......... we had many often too. Its a weird feeling

Anonymous said...

Yes you did say I remember ,well at least as you say a small one to let of stress..Istill wouldnt fancy it though  ,you sound so laid back about it lol ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

The last one we had did that, it sounded like a big truck rumbling down the street in front of where I work.  Now everytime a big truck does rumble down the street, everybody stops for a second to see what's going to happen.   Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Never been in a quake, have LOTS of tornados here!
Hug, Sugars

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Do I hate earthquakes!  Being a California native, I've experienced many of them, but I still don't like them.  I live in the Inland Empire, pretty close, or practically on top of the San Andreas fault, and it has been awhile since we've had a good healthy jolt, and I've been thinking it's about that time!  With the weather being the way it is.. I just know we are going to get a good one, and probably sooner than later!
