Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunny Sunday

Guess what?  When I went downstairs this morning to make coffee, there was a vase full of Bright Yellow Tulips on the kitchen table.  Ohhhhh!!!  Dennis made a trip to Home Depot this morning to get paint rollers and he saw them on his way out and picked them up for ME....  I was so happy.  He doesn't do those things very often and when he does it just makes my day.  I love tulips.  We were just talking about them yesterday because Cari is going to Holland and one of the things she wants to see is a huge field of tulips that one of her friends saw when she was there a week or so ago.  See, little things like this go a long way with me.  I'll be nice to him for at least a day or so now.  LOL  I am kidding.  I'm always,  well, most always nice to him.



Anonymous said...

How lovely to get a surprise like that.  I do not often get flowers and when I do they mean a lot.  I am going to ask a few friends if they will pop over and pay you a visit and putting you on alert

Anonymous said...

I have just come over at Jeannettes suggestion,If only to tell you yes I love tulips,too Iwent to Holland a few years ago and the tulips there are something spectacular,alot of bulbs are grown and sold here in the Fens where I live , ....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I've made it :) Will get a proper read through shortly but have added you to my alerts

Anonymous said...

AWWWW lucky you, yel tulips in the morning! ;0)
My first time here, Jeannette suggested I visit. TY for adding my name. Will give your journal a quick look over & be back later to check it out further.
Hope you come visit me when you can.

hope I got my links correct, if not...just ask Jeannette!

Anonymous said...

Hi, what a nice journal you have!  I love your All About Me section.  You have a great attitude!  I know you will make many changes in your life and really make a difference!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting more readers now. I have a couple more I can recommend if you wish.  Have a good week