Are the certain celebrities, public figures or other things that you are just so sick of seeing and/or hearing about that when their faces flash on the TV screen you just have to reach for the remote control and turn the channel as fast as you can? I'm totally there. Here's my list:
1. President Bush I can't take the sight or sound of him
2. Bush's Entire Administrative Staff
3. Rush Limbaugh Just the sound of his voice ticks me off
4. Brad and Angelina
5. Tom and Kate (He renamed her because Katie is a child's name)
6. Any Rap Music personality, thug, gangster, whatever
7. Simon, Paula, Randy, and Ryan (Sorry American Idol Fans)
8. Rosie O'Donnell (not because she's gay - because she's obnoxious)
9. World Wrestling Federation Commercials - Would NEVER it!
Ahh, I feel better. LOL I'm looking forward to a nice day. Dennis and I are actually going shopping together this afternoon. Now that is a very rare occurrence! He does not like to shop. We are redecorating the downstairs bathroom and since he is so great at choosing colors he has agreed to help me select paint color, towels, rugs, and accessories. Den is an architect which means, too, that he is quite artistic. He can visualize something before it's finished and put together. I can't, so I defer to him many times because I trust his design talents. The only time we have a problem is when I want a floral pattern. He does not like florals except in paintings. He's a guy and he likes more contemporary/modern lines. I'm a chick and I like flowers! We usually come home with nothing and then I go back later and get the florals. LOL
It is supposed to warm up but I don't see signs of it this morning. It's overcast and cold. The weather guy promised! I'm going to have to hunt him down if it doesn't come true. My bones are cold and I need to warm up!
Think I only know Bush out of your list .Yes Maurice is good too when choosing textiles etc Isay no on priciple but do end up agreeing with him lol ...........Jan xx
Out of your list I agree with no`s 1, 2,4,5, and 6. Can`t stand them!
Sandra xxxx
I agree with mosy of your lisy but Simon Cowell is my friends cousin, a nice guy in real life, he comes from Brighton where I live. Hope you get some good ideas off Den for the bathroom. Jeannette.
You're too cute! :) I know what you mean though, there are times I think I will puke if I hear a certain commercial again or see another picture of so and so on a magazine. I do not support all of his actions, but I do support our President however :) That's what makes this a fabulous contry though isn't it? A free land where we can have different opinions and feel free to voice them.
I hope you enjoyed your day out with hubby...why is it that men can't see the beauty in shopping?!?!?!? I could do it for hours and not get tired and I just love to browse and window shop even when I'm broke! They simply do not know what they are missing :)
Hope you are finally warm....
Pooh Hugs,
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