During the past five or six weeks, I have helped my daughter-in-law out by going to the house once a week to keep my two grandsons (Nathan, 4 and Andrew, 18 months) busy while she runs errands and closes out the books to get ready for the tax guy to come and do their 2005 tax returns. I have loved this time with the boys and they have enjoyed having Gramma all to themselves. It's been especially good for Nathan, the middle child, because he gets a few hours of one-on-one spoiling while Andrew naps.
The only fly in the ointment has been that 6 year old Megan is at school during these visits and she has felt left out and a bit jealous. We had a talk not long ago and I told her, "I know it's hard for you to be in school when Gramma is with the boys." She nodded and looked at me with those big hazel eyes. "I have an idea I think you might like."
Her face lit up, "What?"
"When you're on Spring break, Gramma will come down and you and I will have a special outing. Just the two of us."
"Really!!!" She was so excited.
"We can do anything you want." I said and then knowing her vivid imagination I added, "like lunch, a movie, shopping, you know........girl stuff."
She was delighted and that put an end to her feeling left out and jealous when I visited the boys while she was at school.
Last Thursday, I stopped by and had lunch with Shannon and the kids. Megan was home because her Spring break started the day before. It was great to have that time with all of them. Shannon and I talked about a lot of family issues. I shared some pictures that Cari had emailed from Italy. I made a paper airplane for Nathan. After we finished eating,Megan wanted to talk about our outing. She had hoped that I was going to take her right then. I explained that I would have to come back the Tuesday after Easter for our 'Special Day'. She was momentarily disappointed but got over it when I asked her what she wanted to do.
"Hmmmm," she rolled her eyes and began to think. "I don't really know. Name some things."
I laughed and suggested, "Well, we could go to tea and drink with our pinky fingers sticking out."
"Oh, Gramma!" She laughed.
"Oh, I know!" I laughed, too. "Let's go try on wigs. I'd love to see what you look like with bright red hair."
She shook her head as she laughed, "Oh, stop it Gramma. You're scaring me."
I guess my ideas were just a little over the top for her.
We had a good laugh and then talked about going to see the movie Ice Age. She loved that idea. As we talked about it, I could see Nathan looking very sad and hurt. He was being left out. He left the room and went to sit on the stairs.
"Megan, Nathan is feeling very hurt because I'm taking you to see that movie and he's not invited."
She shrugged her shoulders and gave me that, 'I couldn't care less look'.
"Do you think I could invite him to see the movie and then bring him back here? We could go have lunch and still have time for some shopping or whatever you'd like to do.."
It warmed my heart that she didn't even hesitate, "That would be fun!"
She ran to find him and tell him he was invited to see the movie with us.
I love her giving spirit. She told me once that she thought God's purpose for her life was to be of service to others. She enjoys helping her mom so much. When she's with me she loves setting the table and doing dishes.
I am excited about Tuesday. We will go to the 11 a.m. movie and then Meg and I will go off on our little adventure after taking Nathan home. I'll write about that after it happens.
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