Friday, April 28, 2006

Organization 101

I've been getting organized this week.  Well, to be honest, I've been attempting to get organized.  It's an ongoing battle for me.  I do well for a few weeks and then the clutter piles start forming and I am back where I started.  I have three clutter zones:  1)  My desk  2) The kitchen counter by the telephone  3) My Sewing Room.  The rest of the house is kept up and tidy but these three zones are disaster prone.  It drives my poor husband crazy because he is so neat and orderly.  He asks "When?"  and I promise "Soon!"  I know I have to keep my word because he has a 'cut off' for patience and when he gets to that point he becomes 'The Toss King' and things I value are thrown away.   Tuesday was the 'cut off' so Wednesday and Thursday I picked up the piles, sorted out the junk and tossed it and then put everything else away.  Now zones 1 and 2 are spotless and zone 3, well........ zone 3 has the door closed for now.  LOL


Anonymous said...

These are pretty much the areas Isort of accumalate and store !?,and beside my chair I'm a squirrel ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm the Clutter Queen! LOL

Anonymous said...

I`m really organised and sorted apart from the computer room which is just so untidy.  I have plenty of shelves and cupboard space but somehow things just seem to pile up on my desk...sigh! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I have clutter zones too, it's harder to sort as I live alone with no one threatening to toss it out!! Jeannette.