Sunday, April 30, 2006

30 Day Challenge


I'm joining a 30 day challenge sponsered by "My Life In A "Nut" Shell" journaler, Jae.  My 30 day challenge is to go to the gym 3x a week and walk 30 minutes the other days for 30 days in a row.  Wish me luck!!!


10:42 a.m.

Went to Curves for my work out.  Weighed in and I've lost 8.5 lbs. since my last weigh in which was on March 24th, 5 weeks ago.  Thats a bit over a pound a week which is a good loss for this point in my program.  My total loss:  66.5 pounds.


Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh yes good luck ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck!! I've never been to a gym but I do love walking! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck lol!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!  Jae

Anonymous said...

wow congrats on the weight loss. thanks for adding me

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy!

Congratulations!! That's a good way to lose it! It'll stay off longer.  Curves is fun, I went there for awhile.  You know the machine where you sit and you pull a thing together with your (knees, I think)? When I tried to do that one it felt like I was going to split my difference! lol  Instead of my legs coming together my pelvic would try to separate.  Had to just skip that one!  Ouch!

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Kathy!!! Congratulations on your 5 week weight loss and your total of 66.5 pounds.....................AWESOME!!!!! It really does all add up and proves that staying with it is definitely the key to success. I'm so happy for and proud of you!

Pooh Hugs,