Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday Updates


I talked to Sam's mom last night about Elijah.  He's doing very well considering he's such a tiny little guy.  His doctor thinks he may be taken off oxygen by Friday.  If so, Josh (his daddy) will get to hold him before he comes back to California to go back to work.  Stephanie is recovering well and should be released tomorrow.  She can stay at the hospital with the baby if they have room for her or she will be staying with Josh's aunt who lives near the hospital. They have decided to move to Colorado so Josh will finish a job he is working on, pack up and hopefully return to Colorado within a month or so to reunite with his wife and baby. 

Sam's parents will go to Colorado to meet their new grandson when he is released from the hospital.  They want to be able to hold him and bond with him which is understandable. 

I'm not sleeping well at night.  I just can't get into a restful sleep which is very unusual for me.  I usually go to sleep within 10 minutes and don't move until the alarm goes off in the morning.  I hope this is temporary because I'm tired during the day and I don't like this draggy feeling.

Dennis and I are going to see Nathan's baseball game tomorrow night.  We've seen Megan's team play and we promised Nathan that we wouldn't miss a chance to see him play too.  I will give an update on the game on Friday.

That's it for now.    Hugs.


Anonymous said...

glad the little one is doing well. Good luck for the game and I hope you get some sleep tonight. If not you could always try wild lettuce and valerian both completely natural sleeping aids, they have helped me on several occassions.
Debbie xxx

Anonymous said...

Good luck to your grandson with the game Friday. So happy to hear the little one is thriving. As for sleeping, I usually drink hot tea with honey before bed. The tea and honey seem to soothe me and make me sleepy, might be worth a try. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for the baby ,enjoy the game ,so sorry you arent sleeping Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,
So pleased to hear that Elijah is doing well, hopefully he will soon be home, hope they find rom for his Mummy at hte hospital so she can stay with him,
Enjoy your grandsons baseball game tomorrow.
Love Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Glad Elijah is doing okay! Is he just on oxygen or a respirator? Mandy was on the respirator for 6 days and then on oxygen.....she finally went on room air at age 4 weeks, she had Hyaline Membrane Disease. We met life long friends in the Nic unit, it's a place where you all bond through your vulnerability...ya know? I will continue to pray for them and the baby.
Hope you enjoyed the baseball are such awesome Grandparents!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

you are the best grandma ever!  I can't wait to watch mine play sports too!  glad the new family is doing so well!  rose~