Monday, April 23, 2007

Big Dreams


Thank you, Linda, at Linda's Thotful Spot for my Tag!

Isn't it exciting when it seems that something you've been dreaming about for most of your life may be coming true?  Psst... it's happening in my life and I'm so excited that I can barely speak of it for fear of jinxing it.  I will say that I need a passport (giggle) and basic knowledge of Italian but other than that................   (more information to follow)

Cari is interviewing for a summer internship with an independent record company on Tuesday.  Talk about excited! I don't think her feet have hit the floor since she found out.  Oh, I hope she gets it.  It will be such a wonderful opportunity for her and a giant stepping stone toward her dream of working in the recording industry in public relations or promotions.  Keep your fingers crossed for her.  The great thing about this company is that it's close.  It's not in Los Angeles like so many other recording companies.  

Yesterday, she and I went shopping for an outfit for her to wear.  She chose a brown suit that is trendy and yet business-like.  It has a short sleeve jacket and very nice pants which we took right to the tailor to have hemmed.  We found a cute pair of brown pumps that match the brown perfectly.  She has a top that looks fabulous with it.  It's a teal blue/green with a little beading across the top.  I would never have thought to put that color with brown but when she tried it on with the jacket, we both said "WOW" and knew that was it.  Now, what to do with her hair.  Half up and half down is our guess.  Her hair is 3" below shoulder length and is fine so it tends to look a little stringy late in the day.  If it's pulled up and out of her face, that would take care of that. 

She hopes that jeans and nice tops are the company dress code so she doesn't have to spend a lot of $$$ on clothes.  Me, too, since I would probably help with that expense.

I'm shopping for new health insurance.  Our premiums are so high that we need to make a change if we can find something with good coverage at a more reasonable rate.  It is so scary, going into our retirement years, to realize that most of our retirement income will have to go to pay for health care insurance.  I guess we better learn how to grow our own vegetables and raise chickens and cows if we want to eat.  When my Dad passed away, my Mom lost her health insurance because it was provided through his retirement plan.  They offered to cover her with the same insurance for 3 years at $670 a month.  That's 3/4 of her Social Security.  Luckily, my Dad had life insurance and they have investments that suppliment her Social Security so she lives modestly but doesn't have to worry about paying the bills and buy groceries.  At the end of 3 years, we will face finding supplimental coverage to help where Medicare fails to pay.  The wonderful thing about Dad's insurance is they paid 100% of the balance after Medicare so Mom had no medical bills from Dad's month long hospital stay.  Praise God.



Anonymous said...

OMG! SO happy for you!!!!!!! :)
Hope you find a good insurance. I have medicare & medicaid covers where that leaves off. I'm glad of that...because with my little ss check as only income, I'd be in deep doo doo.
Huggies, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Oh I think I can guess ,a bit anyway,lovely !! Good luck for tomorrow Cari,her out fil sounds great Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck to Cari with the interview, her outfit sounds lovely,  I hope that she get the job, and good luck with the health insurance, I hope that you find a good one,
Love Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck to Cari....I'll be keeping her in my prayers. Her outfit sounds just perfect and I'll admit to feeling a tad bit jealous of that time spent together....I miss my Mandy so much!!!  I don't know why I just thought of this, but when I was a little girl, my Mom used to read me (and then I read it to Mandy) this book called "Katy Did" and it popped in my mind while reading about you helping Cari prepare for the interview. In the book, Katy's Mom was helping her get ready for her first day of Kindergarten and she helped her pick out a red jumper to wear. In the pocket of the jumper, she slipped a pencil so when Katy got nervous she would feel it and know she had the courage to do it! Maybe you didn't put a pencil in Cari's pocket, but I know it was filled with your love & encouragement.....same thing! New book: "Cari Did" :)
Good luck finding insurance.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I won't jinx you by saying it either, but congrats are definately in order! I hope Cari is able to have the job turn into something more than a summer project, sounds as if it's her dream job. As for insurance , I know where your coming from. Medicare does not pay half of anything you acutally need it for...sigh! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a wonderful opportunity for Cari - I wish her the very best.  The outfit sounded pretty and perfect.

The insurance issue sure scares me, it's no wonder Americans go retire in Mexico.  If nothing else they go for the drug run!  Oh wait, that sounded bad.  RX drug run.
