I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster today. Den's step-mom called a few mintues ago. Her husband, John, died last night of cancer. We have only met John a few times so we're not as upset about his death as we are about Marj's loss. Marj is a very sweet woman who married Den's dad when Den was a little boy. She was always kind to him and his brother. Den has maintained a close relationship with her even after his father died in 1972. Marj is 84 years old now and this is going to be a difficult transition for her. She lives near Boise, Idaho which makes it difficult for us to be of much help. Fortunately, she has grandchildren close by who will be looking in on her. I don't know what else to write now. I'll have to take some time and think about this.
8:12 p.m.: Psst...I went for my walk.... I'm on target.
Must be hard to lose your husband at that age and be on your own. Praying she will cope OK. Jeannette xx
I'm so sorry for Marj's loss...........she sounds like a very special woman and I'm glad her Grandchildren are close by to help her through this rough time. I know you are both worried about her and that brings you pain, so I'm sorry about that too. You will all be in my prayers.
Pooh Hugs,
How sad for Marj ,hopefully the grangchildren will take good care of her...good for you on tardet with your walking ,go for it !.......Janxx
Sorry to hear of her loss. Fortunately her gchildren live close & hopefully will check in on her.
Just coming by to say I hope you have a nice wkend! ;0)
Blessings, SUGAR
I`m really sorry to hear of Marj`s loss, many condolences to her and her family.
Sandra xxxx
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