Thursday, May 25, 2006

Controversy Rises Again


So the Dixie Chicks have gone and done it!  They slammed the president AND The View.  Oh, My Gosh!  This has caused a major uproar - much to their delight, I am sure.  You see, they have a new CD and I'm sure all of this was orchastrated to get their names back in the news.  They needed some big attention to push their product and boy, did they know how to get it.  Their PR folks knew what they were doing.  Their statement most likely does reflect their political views but why tell us now how they feel?  Why not 6 months ago?  This is so transparent it's ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong here.  I'm not saying they should or should not have said what they did.  I believe they can say whatever they want to say about the president.  They have every right to do that.  Whether I agree with them or not, I would fight for their right to voice their views. What I'm saying is that the timing is manipulative and transparent.



Anonymous said...

I have had the feeling that this is a PR ploy too especially the relaese of thier first song adn that did not get the umph so then them slammed the view. hey its the way hollywood and fame works I guess

Anonymous said...

Not sure who they are or what they've said, but it does sound like a PR exersise

Anonymous said...

I so agree.....PR all the way.  But, maybe it will backfire on them because people can see through it. Like you said (and I also totally agree) they have the right to feel that way and to say it, but using it to sell records is really kind of selling out their views in a way. Oh well, we should all be that lucky to get paid for selling out, huh? :)

How's your visit going with your Mom? I hope you all are having a delightful visit!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Weekend!