Monday, May 15, 2006


Thought for the Day:  "Expectations are our fantasy of how things should be and not the reality of how things ARE." 

Happy Monday.  A short post this morning.  I had a very nice weekend.  Busy, productive and fun.  This week will be pretty easy going.  I want to go see Den's dad tomorrow but other than that, I will be at home sorting out the closet in the guest room and preparing it for my parents visit the following week.

Today, Cari and I will head to the mall after she gets home from work.  She needs new work pants and I am out of make up.  I want to try some new stuff, well it's new to me, called Bare Escentuals.  Nordstrom's carries their line so I'll go and have them put it on me, I'll walk around for 30 minutes to see if I can tolerate it and if my face doesn't blow up like a blow-fish, I'll buy it.  I have to be so careful with skin products.

Just looked outside.  There are two doves on the fence cooing at each other.  They are so pretty but their cooing drives me crazy after 5 or 6 hours of it!  LOL  I'll send Kasey out to encourage them to find another fence to perch on.  She won't hurt them, don't worry.  They're too high up for her to get them.  LOL

Happy Monday!



Anonymous said...

When you look at the ingredients of most make up it's no wonder our skin protests!! Have a lovely week. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

we've got some of those Doves and yes I do agree their billing and cooing can get a bit much !!.........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

yeah my dogs can cahser off birds but dont hurt them. lol Yes expectations are why I think my mothers day was not as I wanted it.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I've used Bare Escentuals for 3 years now and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!! I haven't read your next post yet, but I hope your face can tolerate it because you will never go back to anything else ever again!!!

Pooh Hugs,