(My Angels have lost 6 (SIX) games in a row! Thus part of my worry this morning.... that's all I have to say on this topic.)
Good morning! I'm going to walk this afternoon with my husband. I was a slug and slept in this morning. I had some work to do for Dennis so it was into the office instead of out the door for the walk. Oh, well, I will get done!!
The economy in So. California is dipping. It's a concern because it is effecting my son's business. He's worried and I'm worried for him. We are praying, asking for prayer and he is seeking financial advise from the right people to see if he can keep things on track until this slump ends. Oh, how I hate to see my kids in a bind. I can only be there to listen and pray for him. I told him this morning that no matter what happens he will land on his feet and be OK, even if it's the worst case scenario. Last December, he went to Biloxi, Mississippi with a group of guys from his church to do some construction work on homes that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina. He met people who had lost EVERYTHING. Their homes, property, pets, and even some whose family members had been swept away. Most had no insurance to cover their losses so they were left with nothing and mortgages still to pay. When we talked about that again this morning, he sighed and agreed that his circumstances weren't so bad after all. I think God had a purpose for sending him on that trip. It was to prepare him for this rough time and for him to be able to earnestly count his blessings. Thank you, Lord!
I had to laugh at an email my mom sent this morning. Bless her heart. She sent a message entitled: REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, I couldn't wait to open it thinking it was something really important. Well, it was a note reminding me that my brother and his wife were going to be celebrating their 25th anniversary on May 9th. Huh???? What???? And what am I supposed to do what that information? That may sound a bit harsh until you understand that in the 25 years those two have been married and living 25 miles from us, they have invited us to their home twice. They have never made an attempt to have a relationship with us or our children. They have shown up at a few family events, (including my son's wedding) where "L" (my brother's wife) has had too much to drink and has been rude and insulting to my family members. Hmmmm, now do you think I'm gonna run out and buy a silver tea service for them? Ahhhh, noooo.... Am I gonna pray for them... Yes. I ask God to soften "L's" heart and to build my brother a back bone. I pray for God to lessen my negative feelings and teach me forgiveness in this particular case. Amen.....
so sorry to hear about your son's struggle I hope thigs turn around for him ...So I take it your not buying your brother and his wife a present then?!!lol ...........Jan xx
I hope your son will make it through the rough time. Don't blame you for not rushing out to buy your brother a present!! Jeannette xx
So sorry to hear about your son's struggle. We are going through a rough time too which I'm probably going to post about at some point. It's a worry that I understand and will be praying for them. I also understand, completely your decision about your Brother & SIL, and I so admire and respect your honest feelings about it. Praying for them is a wonderful thing. :)
Pooh Hugs,
Because of my brother's alcoholism, we are estranged, but I do pray for him. I understand.
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