It's cloudy and overcast this morning and I'm happy about that for a change. It's Window Washing Saturday. The lack of sun makes it a much easier job. Dennis has the outside which is a much bigger job because the outside of the windows are much dirtier and he has to take down and clean all of the screens, too! We have 34 windows in this house. 34! It's a big job. It takes a lot of patience, a big bottle of Windex, an extension ladder, and team work. All I have to say is, "The rainy season better be over!" We've waited until May to do this thinking that the likely hood of more rain is pretty slim, but you know how that goes............... LOL... OH, please God!!
My parents are coming for a 2 week visit starting May 25th. That is what motivated this 'need to clean' day. I'm really excited that they are well enough to make the trip from Laramie, Wyoming to Riverside, California. My mother had two major surgeries: one in early Dec., '05 and one in Feb. of this year. At 78, she has had a good recovery and has regained 90% of her strength. My dad had a serious illness in February that landed him in the hospital for 8 days. It created some heart problems which have been resolved. He's 81 and more frail than my Mom so it takes him longer to get back on his feet. To have them both feeling well enough to make the trip is such a gift. I'm thrilled! My kids are eager to see their grandparents and my parents can't wait to see them and their 3 great-grandchildren. It's going to be a fun 2 weeks!
34 windows????That is amazing. I will not moan about mine again. So nice that your parents are well enough to make the trip. I know you will have a wonderful time.
I need motivation to clean too like that. lol I usually clean on sunny days. dont know why. I guess I like the sun.
you know I lvoe the sun sure would like to see a pic of your house and 34 window sI love lots of windows in a house
I'm so glad your parents are coming all that way to see you, it's quite a journey at any age! Don'tt think I'd like to clean 34 windows!! I hope you can get them done before the sun shines on them or the rain gets them! Jeannette xx
34 windows to clean???? I bow to you are the queen for sure!!!! :)
That's so neat your parents are coming.....I bet you can't wait. My parents are away all winter and when they come home I try and spend as much time with them as I can. It'll be such a fun time for all of you!
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day......enjoy your special day.
Pooh Hugs,
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