Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday Surprises

Thanks to everyone for their sweet comments about my grandchildren's pictures in the last entry.  Like I told Mary, I think they are pretty darn cute but then again, I'm their grandmother ~ I would think they were beautiful if they each had two heads and a horn.  LOL

I took my mother to see my brother and SIL today.  Some of you may recall that my SIL is rather ODD.  The last time I saw her (3 1/2 years ago) she was really rude to my husband and family so we had not had anything to do with her since.   The only reason I went today was because I didn't want my Mom to drive all the way alone.  She could have done it but I felt more comfortable driving the busy freeways and making sure she got there OK.

Anyway, we had a very nice visit with my brother and his wife.  It went extremely well.  I was glad I went and feel a teeny tiny ray of hope that perhaps things between L and I may get better.  I offered an olive branch today,  she accepted it and she even offered one back so we shall see.  Now the next time I see her she could be a total bitch and we could be right back where we started but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and just see.  I won't be hurt or upset if things don't get better because I don't expect them to but if I don't open the door nothing will ever change.

My mom is going home tomorrow.  Wow, one week sure flies by fast.  It feels like we've been back about 3 days and it's time for her to leave!  We had a wonderful time both in Laramie and here.  We both needed it very much.  I will see her again in October when we go to Italy together.  The way time flies around here, it will be here before we know it.



Anonymous said...

So glad you and your mom have had a good visit.  I'm sure it has lifted her spirits and will leave her with memories to remember.  Praying for her safe trip home...Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Bless you for throwing the olive branch to your sil ,its up to her now ,you've done your bit ,so pleased you have enjoyed being with your Mum ,and yes doesnt time fly ? Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You did exactly what I expected out of sweet, loving you, the right thing. In life you can only try and that you did do. The rest is now up to her. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

You did your best with your SIL, I hope now things will get better between you. My own brother`s wife isn`t the easiest of people but I do try, sometimes she`s ok, others...well, she`s not. I can`t imagine your gorgeous grandchildren with two heads and a horn but I`m sure they`d still be! ;o)

Love Sandra xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got along with your SIL better, I hope this will be a regular thing now and not just her putting it on for your mum. You're right, time does fly, it'll be October before you know it! Where abouts in Italy are you going? It's a lovely place, I've been to Northern Italy near The Dolomites. I hope your mum has a safe trip home. Jeannette xx