Playing croquet on a sunny afternoon at our house. Nathan and Andrew prepare for a match.
Nathan checking with his 'coach' (grandpa) for his next move.
Megan showing her confidence as she prepares for her next move.
Baby Matthew watching the game with his mommy.
At 9 1/2 weeks old, Matthew weighs 10 lb. 1 oz. and is 24" long.
Here he is with his pretty Mommy, Shannon.
The next three pictures are of Andrew showing off for me. He's such a character!
We had a fun afternoon. The kids played outside with the croquet set, they watched Toy Story, and played with blocks, legos and went for a walk with their grandpa.
I found out that Bryan's business opportunity is in Maui not Oahu. I guess Maui is nicer than Oahu so I suppose that's good news. I've never been to Hawaii so I don't have any idea. We should know by June 14 if they will be moving. I'm just going to take a day at a time until we find out one way or the other.
Your Grandchildren are Delightful Kathie ,croquet now theres a good old English game ,I think its best if you take a day at a time ,and enjoy now Jan xx
I am terrified of playing croquet since a bad experience as a kid, please please watch them carefully when they play. Very cute ankle biters.
Great pics Kathy! Andrew looks so cheeky and cute! Maui's absolutely gorgeous and if they move and you visit you'll have to get Bryan to drive you on the road to Hana, it's a fantastic drive! Even if they don't move there you really should see Maui some time, it's been rated in Conde Nast as the most beautiful island in the world! Have a good weekend! Jeannette xx
What adorable photos!
Cute bunch of little ones! Great pictures...
Cute kids. That little one is really growing, it seems like only yesterday you were anxiously expecting his arrival. I've never been to Hawaii either but Bob has been to Maui several times with his daughter, who has a Trendwest time share there. He says it's very beautiful but rather expensive. A nice place to visit but he said he wouldn't want to live there. But in Bryan's case, he has to go to where the work is. I wonder if he's tried other areas, say in Oregon or Washington ?
Happy Sunday, Linda in Washington
They are such beautiful children Kathy. :o)
Love Sandra xxxx
Your grandchildren are simply adorable! Beautiful kids and mom, I can see why your so proud of this bunch. (Hugs) Indigo
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