First, I'm happy my little snit/conflict was put to rest. I have a hard time with unresolved conflict especially in times when my emotions are running high. Thanks to everyone for their support. (HUGS).
Dennis and I went to dinner and a concert with friends/neighbors last night. Months back, Dennis did the construction plans for a simple room addition for their home. When it came to working out terms of payment he didn't want to charge them because it was a simple job but they insisted so he told them to just take us to dinner sometime. Well, the room addition is done (and it is so nice!) so they had us over for dinner last night and then took us to a concert to see Paul Rodgers. The name didn't ring a bell but when we heard he was lead sisnger with the group Free ('all right now, baby, it's all right now......) and Bad Company the lights went on and we got excited. Free's first hit was in The mid to late 60's for all you babies out there. LOL This old bag remembers those good old days when rock and roll was MUSIC and not the cr*p that comes out of a computer with so much bass that it destroys organ tissue over time from the constant vibration. There should be a health warning.........(I am joking here). Anyway, getting back to Paul Rodgers, His presence is full of fun and energy. He pulls the crowd in and makes us a part of the show. It helped that the venue holds only 3500 people ~ Small and intimate and not a bad seat in the place. His picture is below:
Pssst: I won't mention names (but it wasn't me and it wasn't Kelly, because he drove) but 2 out of the four of us got very hammered last night. Way too much wine... (shaking my head with wonder). One of us could hardly walk back to the car and we had to help her. <notice I didn't mention names>. Hmmm, wonder how much their heads and tummies hurt this morning? I feel pretty darn great. I had a great time!
Now I'm on red alert. I have to get my a@@ in gear and get stuff done around here. I'm on serious count down. I leave on Tuesday and my weekend is full of things that impeed my progress. Wish me luck. I'm going in......
Sounds like a good time was had by all, some more than others (wink). Keeping you in my thoughts. Now get going miss and finish packing and sorting through what you need to do for your trip LOL! (Hugs) Indigo
Everyone had fun I think! :)
Get your packing done & have a good trip.
I would have enjoyed that concert too ,I share your views on modern erm... music ,I hope you are able to achieve all the tasks you have set your self Jan xx
how awesome!!! rose~
sounds like a fun time :) Gotta love the "real rock" !
There's nothing like real music is there?! So much music today is made by computers, where's the talent in that? I'm glad you had a great time! Jeannette xx
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