Sunday, December 10, 2006


It's been a while since I've posted an entry.  I've been sick with a nasty cold and just have not felt like sitting down to write.  There have been other things going on, too, that have made me withdraw for a bit but I am feeling better physically and emotionally so here goes.............

I would like to update news about my Aunt Helen first.  The pathology report came back showing that she had a rare form of microscopic cancer cells that travel throughout the breast.  It only occurs in about 15% of cancer patients.  Her surgeon and Helen felt it was in her best interest, and to insure the best possible outcome, for her to have a radical mastectomy.  Her surgery was last Friday morning.  She did very well and was released on Saturday afternoon.  She went through a short, well deserved depression after getting the news that she would have the second surgery but she rallied and faced it with a positive attitude and she is showing her determination and willingness to do what it takes to get well.  All three of her children were with her the morning of the surgery which was a huge emotional plus for her.   My parents are driving down today to visit with her so I will have another report soon.

My Dad's leg has completely healed.  The cast is off and  he is walking without any discomfort.  He is having some physical therapy to help get back some muscle strength.  Since he is doing so well, he and my Mom have decided to come for Christmas.  WOW!  What a huge surprise.  They are arriving this coming Wednesday and will stay until New Year's Day.  I am so happy that they are well enough to make the trip and that they will be here to celebrate with us.  Now I have to hustle to get things done before they come.  YIKES.....

Today, we will be celebrating Dennis' birthday.  It's tomorrow but everyone is coming for dinner this afternoon.  I am so excited because I bought him a giraffe to go with the elephant he bought when we were in Cambria together months ago.  I know he's going to love it. 

I was up in Cambria for a doctor's appointment on Friday.  I drove up Thursday and came home Saturday.  A very quick turnaround trip but it was worth it.  I was able to get the giraffe on Thursday.  Carol and I went to see my Dr. on Friday morning.  Good news!!  My 3 month blood sugar test came back NORMAL for the first time.  5.7.   I am excited beyond belief.  It's been coming down over the past year but to hear him say, "It's normal", was wonderful.  I am either 8 or 18 pounds away from my goal.  He told me to lose 8 and see how I feel.  He thinks that would be a good weight for me but it's 10 less than my initial goal.  He then told me if I still want to lose another 10 that would be OK with him.  I don't think I've ever been within 8 pound of goal.  I'm kind of in shock - numb.  LOL  We shall see.  I go back to see him on Feb. 9.  I hope to have that 8 pounds off so we can talk about where to go when I'm there.

I may let my grandchildren help me put my Snowman Soup packets together this afternoon.  If I do, I will take pictures of the process to post so those of you who want to see how they go together can take a look.

That's if for now.  I've got some chores to do before the gang gets here.

Have a blessed Sunday.




Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,  I hope you`re feeling much better now, there really seems to be so many viruses about at the moment.  Happy Birthday to Dennis.  I wish your Aunt Helen all the very best and hope that she makes a full recovery.  Also I`m pleased to hear that your dad is walking without pain, and now your parents will be coming for Christmas, that`s great news. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I had missed you I do hope you are feeling better now ,Is Dennis's birthday the 11 th ?it is my second sons too Happy Birthday Dennis ,I hope your Aunt makes a good recovery,am very pleased to hear the news of  your ,how nice they are going to join you for Christmas Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your aunt is doing well after her surgery, I hope it continues for her. So pleased to hear your dad is walking now without pain and he'll be down with your mum for Christmas. I know it'll be extra work but I know you'll enjoy having them too! Well done for getting within eight pounds of your goal weight, that's brilliant! Happy birthday to Dennis for tomorrow, hope he loves his giraffe! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

sounds like life is happening!  I am not as able to journal either when I am busy.  Glad you have a handle on things.  Can't wait for the snowman soup!

xoxo Rose

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are looking up!  Awesome job on the 5.7!  My last one was below six as well which is the normal cutoff--I was so pleased! :)'

Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad your aunt is recovering, I'm thrilled your mom & dad are coming to see you and it's FANTASTIC how well your blood sugars are doing!!  I can't imagine being 8 lbs from goal....of course, I say that as I sit here eating ice cream!!!  ((sigh))  You are just much better at this than I!!


Anonymous said...

My prayers are with your aunt... but happy to hear that your dad's leg is healing.

Congrats on the BS decrease! :)  Between that and your weight loss, you should be very proud of yourself!!  You go girl!! :)


Anonymous said...

Firstly so glad that your feeling better,
secondly, so pleased to hear that your Dad and Aunt are also doing well, well done on the weight loss and for getting your sugar levels down, (whats your secret !)
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Hope the birthday dinner was nice...
Glad your aunt has so much support to get her through this.
That is great news that you are so close to your goal!  Good job!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Are you diabetic?  What kind of numbers did you have before if you are?  I imagine the weight loss was the best thing you could've done to help bring down the sugar level.  Very exciting news for you to hear.  Hope you are feeling much better.
