Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How did it go?

Well, Christmas is behind us.  All the packages have been opened and the bright paper and pretty bows went out with the trash today.  Empty boxes are stacked under the tree waiting to be folded, stored and used again.  I managed to salvage 1/2 of the gift bags I bought.  I will remove the tags and tuck them away for next year, too.

My Mom braved the crowds today.   She went to Target to by a camera that was on sale and came home with it and 4 large rolls of Christmas wrap that she snagged for 50% off.  I appreciate her efforts and will tuck them away for future use.  She even went to the Christian book store and bought her Christmas cards for next year.  I may try to go over tomorrow and see if they still have any nice ones available but it's not an urgent matter.

My joy, of course, was making Christmas special for my three grandchildren.  They had a great time opening their presents and each one brought smiles of delight.  My mission was accomplished successfully. 

Our dinner was delicious, I am told.  I had another nasty cold so I could not taste the food I prepared.  It got good reviews from everyone including my brother-in-law who would have told me it was awful if it were.  I trust his assessment and he loved it. 

We celebrated on Saturday so Christmas Eve and Christmas Day it was quiet and uneventful around here.  Christmas Eve I didn't even bother changing out of my pajamas all day.  I slept most of the afternoon and then went to bed very early hoping the extra sleep would help get rid of this cold.  Christmas Day wasn't much livelier.  I did take a shower and get dressed but I don't think any of us, except Cari, ever left the house.  She went to her boyfriend's family's for the day and evening.

Finally, today I am feeling somewhat like myself again.  I took my Dad to the chiropractor and after lunch went to Sips for coffee with my parents and then grocery shopping.  That was a big day for me.  LOL

My dad, poor soul, has been down in his back since he has been here.  My chiropractor has been seeing him and he is finally feeling a little better.  We went 3 times last week and we will go 3 times this week before he goes back to Wyoming. 

My sister is coming back tomorrow and will be here for the rest of my parents visit.  She was here Wednesday through Saturday to visit.  Her husband came down from Central California on Friday which was great.  We all celebrated on Saturday and then they went to his parents' home near San Diego.  Tomorrow, he will drive home and Carol will drive here.  I'm so glad she is coming.  We have such a good time together.

So much has gone on since my last official entry but I don't have the energy to write about it.  95% of it is good so that is nice.  I will tell you that my Aunt Helen is doing much better.  She had been having quite a lot of pain after her surgery but we heard today that she is doing much better and her spirits are very good.

One other special item to report:  Hudson Lee Snell was born on December 24, 2006.  He weighed 8 lb. 1 oz. and from what his grandmother, Joan, says, "He is just adorable and amazing!"  Congratulations to my friends, Greg and Joan on the birth of their first grandchild.  Oh, do they have some fun and wonder in store!



Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the photos of your Grandchildren, handsome youngsters.  Glad you had a lovely time. Hope your cold is gone soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow your grandchildren are gorgeous!! I have a cold too... isn't it the pits?? Hope you are feeling better today...

Anonymous said...

Your grandchildren have the most beautiful eyes!  Looks like everyone had a great time!  I hope you feel better soon

Anonymous said...

Your Grandchildren are adorable ,I am sorry you have had a cold ,Ihope its away now ,they take their course dont they ?yes apparently its the best time to buy cards for next year ..have a nice rest of the holiday ..love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how grandchildren change the whole climate of the holidays ?  They truly are are a blessing.  That's why I have so much wrapping paper,  after Christmas sales.  I have enough now to last forever but will have to buy at least one roll on sale, just because that's the way things are done.  Same goes for cards.  Wal Mart gets theirs down to 75% a week or so after Christmas.  And they do have some lovely cards.  Hope you're feeling better soon...Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your Christmas and you succeeded in making it special for your grand babies!  Hope your cold improves...Jae

Anonymous said...

I`m so pleased to hear that your Christmas went well.  I love the photos and Andrew is such a sweetie. :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your Christmas went well but I'm sorry your cold ruineed the taste of your meal. I'm glad your Aunt Helen is doing well too, she must be an amazing lady! The photos of your grandchildren are adorable! Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/  

Anonymous said...

Loved the photos!  The grandkids look as happy as you can be on a bright Christmas morning! :)  I'm glad it's over too.  I'm ready for next year.


Anonymous said...

The photos were great, with all the smiles.  Sounds like you had a delightful Christmas.  I do hope however, that you feel 100% better SOON!  I haven't been to Target yet.  I only briefly thought about going.  Congratulations to  your friends and their Christmas Eve grandbaby!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,
I'm finally finding my way back home to J-land. I decided it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself and move out of this funk. I'm sorry I have not offered the kind of friendship that I should have been these past few months, I just became so self absorbed that I lost perspective on the rest of my life. But, it's time to get the gained weight back off and back to living my life and getting healthy. Thank you for staying with me while I strayed off the path, I'm very grateful and blessed to have your support and encouragement....I know it's one of the reasons that I WILL MAKE IT!!! I hope your 2007 is wonderful and filled with all good things and happy memories with your family.

Pooh Hugs,
P.S............The pictures of the kids were simply precious!