Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beautiful Thursday

Thank you so much for nominating my journal in the category of Best Private Journal.  I am deeply touched and flattered.  I have had such a good time creating this journal and meeting so many wonderful people who have opened their journals and hearts to me.  I have a real affection for my J-Land buddies who visit my journal and who leave their comments.  The connection between us is very special to me.  Warm hugs to all of you!              ô..ô

I got to go with Shannon to her ultrasound appointment again today.  It's so much fun watching our little baby on the screen.  Baby is growing right on schedule and measured exactly 16 weeks today.  The heart is chugging along at a healthy clip and the little arms and legs are moving and kicking actively.  Even if Shannon had wanted to know the baby's sex, baby was in a breech position and the tech would not have been able to tell.  We had hoped to hear that the placenta had moved up and into a safer spot but it looks like it has moved lower.  Shannon sees her Dr. next Wednesday and will get the official results then.  If it is lower, he is going to continue to restrict her to no lifting, pushing (strollers, grocery carts, etc.) and not to do a lot of walking.  This is about the time that her pregnancy with Andrew got very scary and she was put on complete bed rest until he was born.  We are praying that does not happen this time.

After her appointment we went back to their new home and I got to work lining all the shelves and drawers in the master bathroom with shelf paper.  Shannon had a lot of phone calls to make and Andrew was down for his nap so I got to work in  peace and quiet.  It was great.  I'm going back down next Thursday to stay with the kids while Shannon goes to Megan and Nathan's parent/teacher conferences.  After that we may go do something fun with the kids.  If not, I'm going to finish the shelf paper in the other two bathrooms. 

I'm sitting here tonight thinking about all the changes this family has gone thru in the past 2-1/2 years.  If I listed each challenge, event, heart break, crisis, worry, fear, and problem that we've worked thru individually or as a family during this time I think my head would start spinning around on my shoulders and my eyes would pop out of my head.  LOL  On the other hand, there are just as many little victories, celebrations, adventures, and warm fuzzie moments that have brought us closer.  I'm ready to go into a 'holding pattern' where one day feels very much like the day before and where things progress without a glitch.  There are periods of time - sometimes a year at a time - when everything just goes along without a hitch.  It's like living in a little bubble that's somehow protected from life's unhappiness.  I think that's what I want for Christmas - I want a year of smooth sailing.  I wonder if that's possible.

Dear Santa.................................



Anonymous said...

Congrats on the nomination.  
How exciting, getting to see a sonogram!  A new life is beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Yes very well deserved nomination,good luck with it ,How wonderful to see your new babys scan ,it is so exciting,I do hope all goes well with the placenta this time ,You are good helping with the move and the jobs you are doing bless you ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the nomination...Jae

Anonymous said...

I do hope Shannon's pregnancy will run smoothly for her. It must be sucha worry. I'd like a year free from pain for Christmas, it'd be a luxury! Congratulations on the nomination, best of luck with the voting! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Wow, i LOVED your comment in my journal about disconnect. What you wrote is what i was trying to say!!!!!!!!! Then i came here to meet you and i was able to get in...i didnt know you were private so thanks for letting me in! I am going to love to get to know you. You are an awesome writer!!!
take care,
lisa jo

Anonymous said...

isn't life grand??!!  rose~

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by your journal and seeing what you have been thinking the last few days.  I moved to California 6 times, I was so in love with that whole Los Angeles area. Finally had to give it up because it was too far away from Utah.  Settled in Phoenix.  I do like hearing about it though.  The first journalist I have encountered from that area, I think.  Gerry