What is the color of frazzled? I tried to find a font color that would represent that word but there was nothing neon enough. LOL You will notice, too, that frazzled isn't a choice in the list of Moods you can choose from the AOL list.
I should also say that I'm not negatively frazzled. I'm frazzled in a good way. Is there a difference? Of Course! Negative Frazzling saps you of energy and makes you feel defeated. Positive Frazzling makes you feel excited and full of energy - like you can accomplish anything.
This weekend I had my 7 yr. old Granddaughter, Megan and my 5 yr. old Grandson, Nathan stay over. I picked them up Saturday around 10 in the morning and we headed straight to the mall. Nathan's 5th birthday is actually on the 24th but because we are going on vacation we decided to have a separate celebration this weekend. Since I let Megan choose a few of her birthday gifts, it was only right that Nathan be allowed to do that too.
At the mall, he found the stand that sells "Heelies" and that was it for him. That's the thing he wanted most in the world. Heelies are tennis shoes that have a single wheel in the heel of the shoe that drops down so the kids can run and then coast on their heels (hence the name). When they are in school or in another situation where the wheels are not allowed, they pop back up into the shoe and become regular tennis shoes. He was so excited! He couldn't sit down to try them on fast enough. I had to stop the fitting to take him to a children's store to buy socks because he had gone in sandals and wasn't wearing any. When we got him fitted with the right size, he decided he wanted to wear them and put the sandals in the box to take home. That night at bedtime, he told me "I'm wearing these to bed." LOL I explained that since he was sharing a big bed with his sister it might be good to take them off because if he rolled over he might hurt her. I did tell him he could put them on the night stand so he could see them first thing in the morning.
I knew Megan wanted a pair as bad as Nathan did. They had both talked to me about them several times and had told me how they both wanted them. While Nathan was trying them on, Megan was so happy for him. She got down on the ground and helped him tie them tighter and told him how 'cool' they were. She never even looked at me to see if I would buy her a pair. When she wasn't paying attention, I asked the clerk if he would give me a good deal on 2 pair and he nodded, 'yes'. So I turned to Megan and asked if she would like to try on a pair. Her face lit up and she picked out a style she liked.
I told her I would buy them for her but she had to work for them this weekend. Since I already bought her birthday gifts this was an extra special thing that she would need to earn. She agreed whole heartedly. It was great to make 2 kids so happy.
From there we went to back to the kids store and picked out 3 t-shirts, a pair of cargo shorts, and some new p.j.'s for Nathan and then headed home so they could practice rolling on their Heelies outside.
To earn her Heelies, Megan set the table at dinner that night and at breakfast and dinner the next day. She helped clear the table at two meals and when we were out shopping she returned our carts both times. She dried some dishes AND she packed up her things and Nathan's to get ready to go home. I think that was a fair amount of helping to earn the prize. The wonderful thing about Megan is, she loved helping and never tried to get out of it. She's got such a kind little heart.
One funny thing I want to share about her: When my son, his wife and Andrew came on Sunday to get the kids and celebrate Nathan's birthday, I decided to give them a little fashion show of some of my new clothes. Of course, Megan HAD to help me. She was upstairs picking out what she wanted me to wear next. When it came time to put on my new jeans that I paid too much for, she asked, "Are those the $........ jeans?" (I had told her earlier that I'd spent that much.) I said yes as I put them on and explained, "They are tummy tuck jeans. They are supposed to make me look thinner." She stood back with a hand on herhip and gave me a look. "Well, gramma, they don't work." LOL I thought that was so funny. Aren't kids just the most honest and straight up little creatures? I cherish that about her.
Anyway, we had a nice afternoon and celebration for our grandson. He wanted hamburgers, French fries, and salad for dinner as long as I had Ranch dressing for the salad. He wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and mint chocolate chip ice cream - so that is exactly what we had.
Now for today - Monday! I hit the ground running again this morning and I'm not done yet. I went to the mall to return a blouse and buy some fleece tops because I hear from Linda at http://journals.aol.com/lsfp1960/LindasWorld/ that it was pretty cold in Alaska when she was there just about a week ago. She said she just about froze a few times. I want to be prepared. It's nice to know someone who just went to give some wardrobe advise. I want to find those rubber gardeners boots, too. If it's raining and muddy I want to wear those on the excursions so I don't ruin my new walking shoes. I'm having trouble finding them. I will make some calls in the morning and see if I can locate a pair. All of my excursions are outside, so again, I want to be prepared.
I'm closing this entry for now. I have to pick up 2 pair of pants that were hemmed and I need to pick up 2 prescriptions at the drug store. I think that will be it for today.
Until later..................... ~..ô
This is one of the most heart warming stories I have read for ages ,all most kids bedtime story stuff ,you know ,'Our Stay at Grannys House 'lovely ....what a super Gran you are ,Have a lovely day you have earned it .......Jan xx
YOU are the best grandma ever! My hubby and I were at a youth football game saturday & a kid came whirling by on those Heelies. My husband near freaked. I work with kids so I know what they are. rose~
you a very good grandma. as far as frazzeld font ther eis one called wavy but you have to download it to your pc copy it in an email and paste it here but it is frazzeledy lol if thatsa word.
Glad you had such a marvellous time with your grandchildren, yes, no-one is as honest as children. Oh, it is Daniel's birthday on the 24th as well!!!
I just enjoyed reading this entry so much! You are such a good grandma! I'm glad you were able to purchase the shoes for Megan. What a sweetheart she is! I remember the first time I saw some kid sailing down the sidewalk in those "Heelies" and I thoughts, "What in the world?? That kid is skating on his shoes!" I had never heard of those shoes! My son said, "Mom.. calm down! (He was laughing at me, because my mouth was probably open and I was gawking at this kid..lol). Then he explained they were shoes with wheels built in the heel. Good heavens, what will they think of next?? lol
If you want to know the truth just ask a kid. They will tell you! Your granddaughter is living proof of that! lol
I sure hope you're going to be able to find the gardner boots you need for your trip!
I've never heard of heelies! I want a pair! That was so good of you to get little Megan some too, I hope they both enjoy themselves on them! It was good that you had Linda to consult over your clothing needs in Alaska, I hope it doesn't get too cold there and you enjoy it. It looks and sounds like a wonderful place to visit! Have a good week, I hope you find the rubber wellies, not much call for them in California I suppose?! Jeannette xx
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