Jackie at HOPE FLOATS directed me to the following site:
http://www.dcroe.com/2996/. You can go here to honor one of the victims of 9-11 on Sept. 11, 2006, the 5th Anniversary of this horrific tragedy. I signed up and was assigned to honor, Jerrold H. Paskins. I was stunned to find out he was a resident of Anaheim Hills which is just a 20 minute drive from my home. I have not done any research on Mr. Paskins yet but I am eager to learn as much about this man as I can so I will be able to post a fitting tribute to him on the 5th anniversary of his death.
If you are interested in paying tribute, please go to the website and sign up. There are still many names left to be assigned.
Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of Anaheim Hills, Calif. (USA).
Jerrold H. Paskins will be honored by Kathy at the blog A Little Left of Center and Yada Yada Yada. This was the 1410th blogger to sign up for the 2,996 Tribute project.
How strange that the man you were assigned lived so close. Yes, it is hard to believe that the anniversary will soon be here again. I will check it out but as I live in the UK I doubt I would qualify.
So glad you are participating, Kathy!! :)
neat idea
What a lovely idea. I don't agree with Jeannette; we lost a lot of people on that horrible day so why wouldn't we qualify?! Jeannette xx
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