A friend sent me this picture of "The Tattoo of The Year". I thought it was great! An honest guy with a great sense of humor. I don't know if I could keep my composure if I were sitting behind him in church. LOL
In the "Sad But True" column this morning, I got the following from my friend Barbara:
Two patients limp into two different American Medical clinics with the same complaint. Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement.
The first patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week.
The second sees the family doctor after waiting a week for an
appointment, then waits eighteen weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray, which isn't reviewed for another month and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.
Why the different treatment for the two patients?
The first is a Golden Retriever.....
The second is a Senior Citizen.
It is 10:30 a.m. and already a H O T 92 degrees outside. We are having a Santa Ana Wind condition today which means the cool coastal air pulls the hot desert air across the basin at a high rate of speed. The basin goes from Palm Springs to the ocean. Wind gusts of up to 50 mph and up are not uncommon. North of us about 20 miles, there is a highway interchange that often closes because the wind gusts are known to topple big rig trucks. I haven't listened to the news this morning so I'm not sure if the roads are closed up there but I'm sure there is a wind alert for high profile vehicles (trucks, motorhomes, etc.). The other scary thing about the Santa Ana Winds is they bring out the Arson Nut Cases and there are usually brush fires. Since we live in an area surrounded by hills covered with dry brush, it is always a concern. Only once in 18 years have we faced a fire and luckily it was contained to about 16 acres. Two teenage boys were playing with illegal firework and started it about three blocks from our house. Within minutes, the fire had flashed up the hill at the end of our street. With quick response from local fire departments and air support from a helicopter that can pick up water from a nearby lake and an airplane that drops fire retardant chemicals, it was contained quickly and no homes were damaged. I'm not worried about a fire up here but I am aware that it can happen and our family is prepared if it does.
I'm off to pick up my new glasses. It will be so nice to see again. LOL I lost my reading glasses over a month ago so I've been using glasses that correct my vision when I'm on the computer for everything. They aren't as strong as the glasses I need for reading so there has been a lot of squinting going on around here. I hope I haven't developed any permanent squint lines on my forehead and around my eyes. <giggle>
More soon. Ta-ta for now.
No more squinting then ,what about the hip replacement surgery then!!!!.........Jan xx
ah maybe you can see the winds with your new glasses lol yup that tatoo is a bit over th etop oh wait its on its bottom side of his head lol
I love the tattoo! Those winds sound bad, I hope you all stay safe. Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx
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