Monday, June 26, 2006

It's such a nasty hot and humid day.  It's in the mid 90's and the air is heavy, sticky and gray.  In late summer, we sometimes get the tail end of tropical storms that swirl up from Mexico and Baja California that give us hot, damp air like this.  It just seems to early in the season for it.  Last night around 11:00, there were large lightning strikes over the foothills.  It was too far away for us to hear the thunder but the light flashes were awesome to see against the black sky.  Nature's own fireworks show.

I went to my first water aerobics class this morning .  Talk about a work out!!  Wow!  It's an hour of non-stop moving.  It's a lot of fun and I think I'm really going to enjoy it.  It was fun to see Felicia.  There's no time for talking though.  The instructor is a slave driver.   LOL  After the class, I sat in the jacuzzi for a few minutes to relax.  That felt great!  I showered all the chlorine off my hair, swimsuit and skin and then went into the locker room to change.  It's a beautiful facility.  They have everything you could want in a gym.  I may use the treadmill and some of the other equipment as I get stronger.

I'll add to this later.  Right now, I'm going to have some lunch and take a rest.


Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds so much fun,even if a bit hectic ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good day, glad you enjoyed it. I don't mind that hot sticky weather. In Borneo it was around 108 degrees with 95% humidity, I loved it! As long as I'm not cold I'll take all the heat I can get! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you liked your workout, that makes it easier to keep going to them! Good for you for making all of this effort to keep the weight off you lost and to keep it moving're my hero and a great role model for me to follow.
Well, besides being a sweetheart that is :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I raelly need to take more advanage of our YMCA memberhsip it even has a wave pool.

You know I hate hot humid days we been having 50% and more humidty and its so sticky